C h a p t e r T h r e e

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John's POV

We all knew it. They liked each other. Come on, they're the most perfect couple, I mean, apart from me and Alex of course. Speaking of that lovable rogue, we were sat in our/Herc's spare room devising an evil plot - How to make Laffigan a thing. So far I had a few ideas: one in particular involving possible death. Yeah, it wasn't going great. Alex was sat on the bed scribbling plans onto some flimsy paper we found stocked away in a cupboard, I was watching the rain drops race each other down the side of the window. {Don't say you've never done that before}

"So Alex, how's it going?" I asked pretty much bored out of my skull.

"I've written," he began, checking the amount of writing he had done, "69 pages, and most of the plans involve about three people getting mildly hurt, a few fatalities and some enemies formed in the process... What's your best idea?"

"We trick Lafayette into thinking that he's going insane, then we pretend that everyone dies and-"

"John... I've heard enough, just... Go back to what you were doing."

Sighing, I turned to face the window. In the distance, the was weather putting on a performance of lightning. The scene of New York being lit up by one of the atmosphere's greatest creations, damn. This definitely resembles the endless battle to make Lafayette and Herc a couple. Wait... Lightning... Storms... Turtles? No, not that. That's it...

"HOLY MOTHER GOD," I yelled, making Alex fall off of the bed. I began to bounce about on my chair - Alex literally had to hold me down. "What the actual fu-"

"I've got it Ham the man," I grinned like a psychopath.

"Don't call me 'Ham the man'," he sighed smiling a little - it's hard to stay mad at my beautiful face, "But seriously, what have you got? Rabies? Cause if you've been near turtles they could spread diseas-"

"First of all, my children do not have rabies and neither do I, second of all, I have the solution!"

Ham the man's POV

I raised my eyebrows at him and scoffed - if his other plan involved everything dying, he wasn't going to make a good one. John looked outraged; I saw him mentally bitch-slapping me. He explained to me his ideas on the lightning and I was impressed to be honest. Quickly, I began to piece John's ideas together with actual knowledge and we had devised the plan to slay all plans... Or at least the ones we had previously come up with.

After John had studied the rain, he had noticed a Storm occurring in the distance. Judging by the fact the atmosphere would change rapidly at about 7pm meant the storm would head in our direction. Herc had mentioned to us that Lafayette hates anything to do with darkness: if there was to be a power-cut, it would no doubt be dark (Because it would be around 7pm and the sun would had gone down).

If the power-cut didn't happen due to the weather, smashing up the fuse box was always an option. Once that had happened, John and I would 'disappear' leaving the star-crossed-lovers on their own. Lafayette would no doubt be terrified and Hercules would comfort him, if you get my gist. {Insert Lenny face}

I hate to brag but we're geniuses. I high-fived John and flopped back on the bed. It was 4:36 pm... I suppose we would have to wait. Occasionally, John would go and spy on them - they were binge watching all of the Harry Potter movies. Not the most romantic of activities, but that would change at 7pm.

{Time skip to like two hours ahead - 25 minutes before some intense power-cuts}

John was getting excited now and in all honesty so was I. It dawned on me tomorrow was Monday... Then there would be five more days until another weekend, another possible chance for romance. This had to work, there was no way that it couldn't. Suddenly, I heard sobbing from the other room. Both John and I snook through the hallway to see what was happening. The two of them were in floods of tears - I could faintly hear the sound of Sirius dying: that explained a lot.

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