C h a p t e r T w e n t y f o u r

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{Wassup my wonderful guys, most favourite people I have missed for so. SO long. Yes, I am so friggin' sorry for this not updating for like a decade shit, family issues, ya know? (Its not too bad don't worry lmao) But I was thinking, if I made a gay one-shot book for a couple of different musicals, would y'all read them? But, are anyone of you readers actually dudes, cause I haven't met any humans of the male species who like musicals}

Laff's POV

I felt that in my childhood, I missed out on some very vital things: my mother never really forced me to make friends, therefore I sat in a corner on my own, or perhaps with the dog that used to visit my Primary school, whilst everyone else pretended to be astronauts or racing drivers. I was also never exposed to video games or comics as my mother always said it was a vile element of society - I could never make conversation about that as I didn't have a clue what it was about (that and I didn't have much confidence). Another thing was camping. 

There were plenty of places to go camping in France, but I would probably be too scared if given the opportunity. My non-existent knowledge of the outdoors however would make me even less useful than normal on this journey. We had only been out of the car ten minutes but I already felt that my cheap shoes were not going to survive five days of walking, water and getting lost in the woods. Despite all of this, I had a great feeling that it was going to be really fun! Perhaps I just had a positive perception of camping, but I was looking forward to it nonetheless.

Whilst Hercules unloaded all of the tent equipment - as he was undoubtedly the strongest out of all of us, my mind began to think back to the bedroom. All of the way there, I couldn't help but to ponder what his intentions actually were. Obviously, it was accidental - he was tired and most likely just wanting to go back to sleep. His eyes had a seemingly distant look, but I still couldn't help but notice how the were... Twinkling? No, it was definitely my mind playing tricks on me, after all, I was tired as well.

 "Hey Laff?"

Suddenly snapping into reality, I turned to face the man himself. He had just given Thomas and James their tent and was unloading Alexander and John's.

"Wanna help me put our tent up?" He asked grabbing the final bag with ease. I nodded, a little unsure - It was inevitable that I would make a mess of things and look extremely stupid.

"Nobody here apart from me actually knows anything about camping, you'll fit right in," he winked and whispered so Jefferson wouldn't argue about how great a camper he was.

As Hercules began to unload the bag, poles, pegs and tent covers began to fall on the floor. We had picked a spot near to the bathrooms and the woods but with a view of over the cliff the site was on. Luckily, we were not too close to the edge, or I would've hidden in the car. Hercules, who had already managed to attach the poles together to make a frame, called me over to hold it whilst he put the pegs in. The tent itself definitely looked big enough for two people, however I wasn't too sure of just how comfortable the floor would be with sleeping bags. 

Once he had the pegs in place, we grabbed the tent cover, threw it over the top and began to zip it to the plastic on the bottom. Very proud of what I had helped to do, I smiled at Hercules, who in return, ruffled my hair causing me to go pink again. The others were not as quick at getting their tents up, and he had to help them. Alexander seemed to be tangled in rope, and John was wearing the tent cover as a cape.

"WE'RE FINE!" Alex screeched, not wanting to be defeated.

"I guess they're not accepting the help," Hercules snorted whilst we both chuckled at the sight of them. He looked at me and smiled, staring at me for a few moments, then deciding to get our bags from the car. As I walked on in front, I could see him looking at me out of the corner of my eye, causing me to go even redder and walk slightly faster. Hercules always made me flustered at normal day-to-day actions... he was just so amazing that it was almost unreal! I was possibly the luckiest person alive due to the fact he actually cared about me.

Smol Fry | Hercules X LafayetteWhere stories live. Discover now