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Aaron's POV again lmao

I had no idea what happened.

One minute I was getting Charles into bed, and the next, we were speeding down a deserted road in his Ferrari. It was almost instantaneous that he'd gotten back out of the bed and staggered back into the kitchen for another drink; I'm pretty sure he'd finally gone over the limit to how much it was humanly possible to drink - God forbid, he was worse than Hercules. Everything seemed to be a slight blur, but I never said no to him, putting both of us in danger.

All I could do was watch in silence as he swallowed more of the poison, and hope for the best which obviously wasn't going to happen. He sat way too close on the sofa for anybody else's comfort, but I didn't mind. He asked what Hercules was doing at the time, I told him. He tried to find the car keys in one of his jackets, I found them for him.

The next thing I knew, I was sat to his right, as he started the engine, the sound rumbling throughout the empty streets at 12:54am. We found ourselves in a deserted lane, following the route to wherever the heck Charles was taking us. Was he going to find Hercules? Dear God.  One of them being drunk was bad enough, but both of them? It was a Saturday night, Hercules was not  going to be completely sober. Regret came over me just like a tsunami, as Charles picked up the speed, swerving around corners, practically drifting around the country lanes. Maybe if I wasn't so scared for him, I'd be having fun... I glanced over at him - his ebony hair flowed almost perfectly in the draft from the partially open window, and both hands firmly gripped the wheel, yet he looked so relaxed, or at least in his element. The drink had brought out a particularly devilish glint in his dark pools, which half of the time weren't even on the road, and an extremely large and menacing grin stretching from one side of his face to the other.

"You good, Aaron?" He slurred, taking his eyes of the road. My eyes widened as we were about to crash into a corner.



The car, merely missing an inconveniently planted tree, swerved around the corner so quickly that I crashed into the door.

"You okay?" He asked as I tried to regain my breath.

"Y-yeah... maybe we should pull up somewhere," I suggested, to be greeted by a blank expression, "Or just go a tad slower... we don't want to get stopped by the cops."

"You like it slower, huh?" He smirked very playfully and very drunkly.

My face went the colour of a strawberry field as I began to really wish he wasn't drunk - did I really look like one of the many girls he winked at and flirted with to him?

"Charles- wh-where are actually going?" I asked, attempting to change the subject. His last quip was going to be stuck in my head for a while.

"We're gonna find your cousin," he grinned.

Oh good lord.

Laff's POV - Homophobia and general trigger warning

Watching Hercules down his seventh drink was beginning to get me slightly worried, more at the fact he was only a little red faced. As the drinks kept on coming, I kept a smile on my face, unsure of how to tell him to stop. We thought it would be a good idea to work on a dress at the shop and then he insisted on going to an extremely expensive restaurant. I didn't however expect to be watching him now on his tenth drink, the waiter giving me a worried look which I returned.

Smol Fry | Hercules X LafayetteWhere stories live. Discover now