C h a p t e r T h i r t y

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{Shush you all know I'm Emo snd guess what; if people are upset about Christmas being over, don't be sad, cause this fanfic's still got Christmas to come! NOT PROOF READ YET AGAIN}

Laff's POV

"Would you like another ice water, sir-?"

The waiter stared blankly at me as I slowly shook my head. He looked me up and down as if I was not meant to be there; it was almost as if I looked out of the ordinary. The reason for the staring then suddenly hit me like a large pile of bricks: I was still wearing makeup. For ten minutes, I had been sat wondering why I was recieving catious glances from women, and confused glances from men. I shook my head a little more clearly, and he smiled slightly and walked towards another table rather quickly. Stirring the lime around in my water, I glanced at the large, antique looking clock on the wall - half past five. John had said that he would only be five minutes, yet I had already ordered five glasses of water, which were luckily sold for free. This surprised me as the restaurant was extremely fancy.

Everyone there appeared to be dressed up fancily, celebrating a special occasion - a wedding or a graduation perhaps. The tables were  extremely expensive looking and the chairs, despite their fancy appearance were actually very comfortable. The walls almost looked like starbucks; they were not actually painted except for one wall which was black, decorated with photos of New York City. I was sat in the corner able to observe things, which may have helped as I was wearing makeup which was hardly subtle. As I sipped on the now room temperature water, I stared at the entrance, awaiting John's arrival. Many people entered the accommodation, couples, families, however none of them were John. My mind began to drift away as I kept my eyes glued to the mahogany doors until someone else walked in, causing me to regain my focus.

Oh. Mon. Dieu. 

I saw him walk into the restaurant and look around. I saw him speak to the waiter. I saw his head turn, ready to look in my direction. Immediately, I averted my eyes and stared at the melting ice cubes swimming in the water. Did John invite him too?  Wait. John was not coming. Despite my brain making useless commands against it, my eyes darted towards him; he appeared to be confused - Alexander must have done the same thing. As he came closer, I looked away, my eues glued to the table.  I simply pretended that I had not noticed that the man of my dreams was walking towards the table in confusion. Hoping and praying, that the makeup hid my blush, I took yet another sip of the water.


I slowly looked up from my glass to see Hercules standing only two metres in front of me. My heart began to pound and my breathing became even heavier than before.

"What are you- is Alex anywhere?" He asked, as I pretended to be extremely interested in the almost empty glass. I shook my head and darted my eyes upwards. Our eyes locked and he stared at me intently, almost observing me, his eyes then momentarily flickered downwards but then back up to my face. He wore an expression of confusion, and another emotion I could not quite identify.

"God, you look gorgeous."

My eyes widened as I became thoroughly interested in the table once again and blushed furiously. Whatever makeup that was concealing my face was not concealing my cheeks. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw his eyes widen as if he began to realise something.

"Did I say- yeah. Sorry."

"Ne t'en fais pas. C'est D'accord. Non - je suis désolé. Je t'ai probablement embarrassé... Je suis une nuisance," I mumbled, forgetting all of the English I knew. {Yes I know half of that will be wrong, but google translate's the best you guys are gonna get}

Smol Fry | Hercules X LafayetteWhere stories live. Discover now