C h a p t e r S i x

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{They'll be a little more Homophobic and suicidal stuff in here to warn you.}

Laff's POV

Yawning, I began to open my eyes, my face still hurting a little. Attempting to stretch out, I realised I had hit someone. I then also realised that there was an arm tightly wrapped around my waist. Blushing immensely, I looked at Hercules: he was peacefully sleeping, and I was curled up in his lap. Zut. What should I do? My phone was within arms reach so I grabbed it to check the time - 6:32...

Nobody really got up at this time, especially not John nor Alex so they couldn't help me. I tried to wriggle out of his grip, but I had no success. He appeared to be in a light sleep so I just rested my head on his chest and waited for him to wake up. He looked so peaceful... Hercules began to shuffle and his eyes opened; I squeezed my eyes shut and pretended to be asleep.

"Laff? Lafayette?" He whispered softly, I had forgotten what my actual name sounded like, he used that nickname so much. Oh no, I was blushing again...

"Lafayette? You awake?" He asked raising his tone, he sounded slightly agitated. Not wanting to anger him, I pretended to wake up. I looked up at him - he was wearing a face of annoyance and a slight hint of disgust.

"Did you... Was it you who made us in this position?" He asked sternly.

"No..." I shook my head, confused why he was acting so stern. I mean of course it was awkward waking up like this, but his personality... It didn't seem like himself.

"You're lying."


"You're lying," he said blankly, staring me straight in the eye. I shook my head but this seemed to anger him even more so. "Do you think I want to wake up in this position?" He asked me, then realising I was still on his lap, I scrambled off.

"I-I really didn't mea-"

"Save it," He spat, harshly shoving me off the sofa, "Charles Lee was right!"

He kicked me in the side and walked off. Then, I heard footsteps from the hallway: John and Alex. Had they come to help? They quickly ran over to me, worried looks on their faces. But those worried looks morphed in grins as they both kicked me as well. Sniggering, they walked off to join Hercules in the kitchen. Charles Lee was right? Had Hercules been talking to him?

Something began to buzz on the floor - my phone. It was an anonymous number:

"Been talking to your 'friends', may or may not have told them the truth about you!
~ Lee, but you already knew that.'

Tears began rolling down my cheeks as I threw my phone to the side. Messages from Lee kept popping up, repeatedly texting me the word 'faggot'. Then, loads of random people I didn't know began constantly sending me the same word. John and Alex walked past me again, kicking me in the process. Qu'avais-je fait? I tried to fit in, make friends, not annoy everyone I came across. I thought that... Maybe I had done a decent job. I smiled sadly, I suppose not...

With waterfalls of tears still streaming down my face, I began to shut my eyes...


Herc's POV

My eyes fluttered as I awoke. A blinding light from the street lamps beamed through the windows. Smiling, I was about to get out of bed, only, I wasn't in bed. I shook my head smiling, remembering I had given my bed to Laff. I then felt something move. Speak of the devil.

"Laff? Lafayette?" I whispered softly, saying his real name felt weird... He wasn't getting up anytime soon. I then observed him more closely and realised he was mumbling to himself. Chuckling, I pulled out my phone, 6:34 - I was wondering why the sun wasn't out. Actually, I never usually get up until about 8:00 at the least. I guess I'm starting a new lifestyle... Nah.

Smol Fry | Hercules X LafayetteWhere stories live. Discover now