C h a p t e r F o r t y

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{If anyone's waiting for @zodiaite to update her mullette fic, you're gonna be waiting a long time my dudes - some of ya'll are patient... it's ben 15 months and Murdoc x 2D is like practically canon now?

Minor Trigger warning? But more importantly happy Laff}

Laff's POV - note that it's about june now

Before the college term started, I never did realise how I loved the apartment.

Whistling to a K-pop song James had gotten me into, I made my way into the kitchen, my path dimly lit with my phone's flashlight. Despite it being 9:30am, it was a Saturday, so it was no wonder the others had decided to sleep in. It may have been my awful sleeping habits which caused me to wake up, but after two months of waking up for college at 7am, it became a routine. Everybody else seemed to cope well, but with the stress of coursework and avoiding larger crowds of people, it was times I thanked my brain for waking me up at daft-o'clock.

That is why I loved the apartment. It was haven from the bustle of the lecture halls and cafes, a juxtaposition to the unrest, stress and general commotion. I knew I was safe in the apartment; I had my best friends.

Rays of sun attempted to seep through the blinds, lazily hanging and swaying ever so slightly from the partially open window. Aside from the noise of the morning traffic, you could hear the birds singing their morning songs, if you listened hard enough. Tranquillity. A word I heard little of, not necessarily being a bad thing, but a word which allowed you to forget what secrets may be lurking underneath this blanket of calmness, the darkness which you keep a double padlock on, in case it escapes, hurting those close to you.

Do not tell him.

With calmness always came the inevitability of being alone with your own thoughts. A miniscule voice inside your head which grows larger, more apparent, when you are left to think. That voice can become two, multiply, accumulate until there is no space left for rationality.

You should not keep secrets from those you love.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I decided to open the blinds rather than use my phone, the amount of texts was becoming slightly unbearable. A quantity of unknown number contacting me to leave whatever comments they desired... Every single one I have read, it seems stupid to delete them, you could not stop a tsunami with a wall two metres high.

Some of those messages are true

"Mornin' Laff."

Jumping a little, I turned around and greeted Hercules- my boyfriend  with a warm smile. Boyfriend was a title I still would have to get used to. I blinked once and he was right in front of me - zut, that man was fast. He leaned in for a kiss but stopped about two inches from my face.

"What's up?" he smiled, bringing his hands to rest on my hips.

"N-nothing, I was just thinking," I replied, a blush creeping onto my face.

"About what?"

"The apartment..." That was not a complete lie, but there was no point in telling him how I tended to overthink things too much for my own good.

He did not say anything, but brought me into a tight hug. That was one of the few things I found comfort in, and held onto him like a baby koala. I was not sure how long we stayed like that for, but it was long enough for me to consider telling him everything. Perhaps, if we stayed there for another eternity, I would have told him, but after a while, he planted a quick kiss on my cheek and set about making breakfast. With a blush still present on my  face, I began to think about how easy it was telling him about my anxiety, and he was more than fine with it. Maybe I was being insulting to him, thinking he would leave me? Then again I only told him one thing...

Smol Fry | Hercules X LafayetteWhere stories live. Discover now