A/N - Actually Important

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{Ok, so, I'm not gonna post anymore of these author notes for a while, but this time, it's important kids. You know how I started this fanfic in about February? Well, it's almost Summer now and your Boi Author chan decided to stupidly base the story in November. In the fic, Laff's been around for about a month and a half now so whoop-de-do, it's December: therefore soon enough in the story, it'll be Christmas.

I wanted your opinion whether to bypass Christmas casually and write an actual bit about Christmas nearer to the time itself, or whether to actually write about it. Now, because I want you guys to actually enjoy this hecking fanfic, I want you to decide cause I'm cool either way. I know some of you may not celebrate Christmas, don't really enjoy the festivities or just don't want to read a fanfic about it in the middle of June. However, there may be some of you who want Christmas fanfics cause you may hate warm weather or stuff; that, or you just freaking love the holiday.

Really, I just want you to decide with what you'd rather see. Stay fabulous mis amigos!}

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