C h a p t e r T h i r t y s i x

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{I'm really sorry for not updating sooner. Loss of sleep's taken its toll}

Alex's POV

Staring at the empty fridge, I kinda noticed that we probably owed Herc at least $50, of course if we weren't counting the shampoo, broken tv remote and numerous other objects that we should've left in their place. Eh... He'd understand - it was his choice to leave me and John in the house on our own. As John rummaged through the cupboards, past the out of date Reeses Puffs and cans of beans to try and find small scraps of food that we could possibly eat. After hearing a small whimper, I figured that there was nothing, and sunk into the sofa. Staggering slowly, John moped back into the sitting room, almost on the verge of crying in despair.

"Nothing?" I asked as he flopped onto the sofa.

"Nothing," he replied, a metaphorical tear falling down his cheek.

Trying to distract himself from the hunger, John whipped his phone out and began scavenging the internet for memes to sent Lafayette. Apparently 'Despicable Me' was funny now. He pressed send repeatedly, turned his phone off, and snuggled into my chest whilst our stomachs rumbled. We had no money (due to John's recent eBay purchase of the box set of sailor moon), no proper food and no way to go and buy anything. Usually, we'd 'borrow' money from Herc, but IOUs from across the world didn't sound extremely believable.

"So are you sending Lafayette good memes?" I yawned, trying to strike conversation not about food.

"Yeah," he replied, "Hey, did you see Herc's car in the drive?"

"I thought it was stolen at the zoo."

"It's back," John stated, looking at me with a confused expression.

"The car?"

"Yup," he nodded.

"That's kinda strange... d'you reckon he's got any money in there?"

"Nope, I checked!"

If I was being honest, I never really expected his car to turn up out of the blue, and we didn't even know who stole the car, let alone who returned it. After we went back home to watch Shrek, not realizing that Lafayette had gotten on the wrong bus, or that they were still in the zoo, his car wasn't there, so we presumed that he'd left without us... not that he knew that we were following him. Whatever, we knew he'd be pretty happy that his pride and joy was back in the parking lot, not damaged whatsoever. Some weird shit was going on...

Herc's POV

Groaning, I dumped the bags in the porch and staggered into the sitting room. None of us had expected it to snow whilst we were walking back up that hill, so there we were, cold, wet and hungry. I beckoned for Laff to cuddle for warmth, but then I realised that we weren't gay. We sat on opposite sofas, just in case my mom had the 'sixth sense', and winked a 'We're not gay remember' wink, which was gay in itself. My parents probably hadn't pegged on though, because they were as equally as wet, cold and hungry. They both went into the kitchen to make dinner; my dad was hopeless at cooking, but he didn't leave my mom to cook the dinner, to be honest, I don't remember a time when he had.

Like a snake, I slithered towards the single sofa with Lafayette on and asked him to move up. Whilst checking my parents were still failing to make a pie, I flopped onto the seat and sighed as if the Nuclear button had finally been pressed. Slightly hesitantly, Laff snuggled up to me giving me a 'I thought we weren't gay' look. I winked again and turned the TV on - Jeremy Kyle was still yelling at people. Speaking of yelling, my mom was having a go at my dad because he'd ruined the potatoes or something, meaning that they probably wouldn't be in the sitting room any time soon. I began to hear soft snoring and noticed that Laff had completely fallen asleep, to stop myself from ranting about how adorable he was, I continued to watch Jeremy reveal that someone's best friend who actually turned out to be their brother had cheated on their girlfriend with the person - this shit's confusing.

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