C h a p t e r E i g h t e e n

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{Have some of my crap drawings cause I have no inspiration of what to put up there}

John's POV

Herc and Lafayette thanked us as we told them we had booked a room. At that point, there wasn't much conversation; I think we were all relieved that Lafayette was okay. To be honest, it was a pretty nice hotel and we'd gone all out with the rooms - casual hotel rooms. It was a bit of a shame the only spare rooms were on different sides of the building, but at least we had somewhere to sleep. Admittedly, Herc would have to up his game in the apartment to top the luxury of it.

But we weren't gonna tell him that.

After a little walk, we arrived at the hotel, Al checking in. Quickly, we rushed off to our room leaving the two star crossed lovers in the lobby. Sparkling, glass chandeliers hung from the tall ceilings, almost blinding everyone who unwillingly looked at them. I just wished our block of apartments had this kind of interior: perhaps then we'd be tempted to stop the flooding in our house. It crossed my mind that we hadn't told Herc that we weren't doing anything to fix the leaking... Oh well.

"Do you suppose we could get Herc to buy a chandelier?" I suggested, Alex smiling at me.

"We don't need to, because you sparkle brighter than one anyway," he replied, smoothly unlocking our door. Or what he thought was our door. We had somehow managed to completely go to the wrong way. In fact, ironically, the owner of that room was standing next to us. Guiltily, Alex turned around to give them an apologetic look. His mouth then dropped. It was none other than Mr Washington and... Mr King? We began to frantically apologise - these guys were authority! In college anyway.

"May I ask Alexander, why you are trying to get into my room?" He asked, Mr King stood behind looking utterly confused. Al then began to come up with a bunch of random reasons about how he was so desperate to go to sleep, he tried to unlock the wrong door. Actually, it was the fact that he tried to make a pick up line which was adorable, but distracted him from the task at hand.

"Do you know this person?" Mr King whispered to Mr Washington. He sighed and nodded.

"I do, which is why I'm not contacting the reception."

"Wait, are you not the person who went to my class wearing a poncho and a large sombrero, when we were learning about trade in mass countries in Africa?" Mr King asked me. I had completely forgotten about the time I thought that I was taking Geography lessons about Mexico when I didn't even take the subject.

"Umm... Yeah."

"And you were the reason why I had so many assessments to mark... And why I needed Wash- Mr Washington's... Help." He said, remembering the time I had handed everyone loads of tests by accident. He began to blush and turned away, Mr Washington also going slightly red. Wait... Was I the reason Martha and Mr Washington...?

"Y-yeah, that's John. And it's been great catching up but we'll see you at school!" Alex blurted out, catching on to where this was going. He grabbed my hand, awkwardly smiled and sprinted down the hallway. It then occurred to me what Herc and Lafayette would have in store...

Herc's POV

If it weren't for the old couple walking past giving us odd looks, I would've screeched. After I had given them a house, somewhere to live, made them food and bought them pop-tarts, they had repaid me with this. Laff was blushing furiously red as he simply stared at the room. No wonder we were getting weird looks - this room wasn't normal. For a start, it was almost the size of my apartment: who would buy it for one night?

John and Alex would obviously.

Half of me was telling me just to go in and face the horrors. The other half was persuading me to march over to the others' room and kick their heads in. Eventually, after a heck of a load of staring people walking past, we decided to go in. I locked the door, not seductively or anything, that was just what you generally did with a hotel. Almost gagging, I stared at the room. Surely, John and Alex didn't know what this was going to look like. Actually... Knowing those two, they probably did.

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