C h a p t e r T w e n t y t w o

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{I'm freaking HYPED for the new Avengers film in 2018 Jesus. Also I didn't proof read this either}

Herc's POV

The song of birds racing through the sky, the whisper of a summer's breeze, rays of light seeping in through the half open blinds. This was the opposite of what I woke up to. I could hear large raindrops violently hitting the windows and agitated people in their cars outside. Strangest of all, there was a large knock at my door. Whoever it was sounded as if they were going to smash the door in... Shit, have I payed my taxes? Perhaps if I didn't do anything, they'd leave me to go back to sleep - it was only like 7:00am. As I had hoped, the knocking stopped and for the first time I actually processed the small Frenchman snuggled up to me.

Was it possible for a human being to be more adorable?

The answer was no. A small curl of hair fell onto his face as he shuffled slightly. He had his arms wrapped around my upper body and his face buried into my shirt. Yawning, I figured I probably wouldn't get back to sleep anytime soon, so I just decided to see what was on the news. Trying not to wake Laff up, I reached for the remote, grabbing a Reeses bar in the process, and turned on the TV. I'm pretty sure last night never actually occurred to me.

"HOLY SHH-" I shrieked loudly turning the TV off as quick as I could. Funnily enough, I had forgotten that was still playing and had foolishly decided to turn the goddamn thing on. Despite my loud screams, nobody - even John and Al - had woken up. I noticed that Laff's shirt was actually rolled up to his chest because of his position, I also noticed the large purple brusies covering his back. That wasn't something that just appeared if you easily bruise. As I observed more closely, I noticed they were literally covering his whole body. I had a feeling that this was some sort of physical contact - he looked exactly the same way as my cousin when he had got beaten up.

I knew something had happened when we lost him, and I couldn't help but blame myself. If I hadn't been shitting around at the bus stop, he would have any of this. He wouldn't have ran into the bathroom at the hotel in pain. He wouldn't have to keep secrets. Whilst I was still theorising, I heard a familiar Gorillaz song, it was my ringtone. Who the hell calls someone at five past seven in the morning? Probably the same person at my door. I scoffed and picked up my phone to answer whoever it was.

"HAVE YOU ACTUALLY HEARD OF OPENING A DOOR?" Came a large screech from the other end of the phone. As it aspired, the person who was calling me and the person at the door were two of the same people. The screech belonged to none other than Thomas Jefferson. I could hear my lookalike Madison at the other end trying to calm the agitated Virginian down, but it didn't seem to be working. With another violent smash at the door, I sighed, detaching Laff from my stomach, and standing up. He stirred whilst I unlocked the door, opening it to reveal the people themselves.

"About time!"

"Thomas," I replied calmly, "If it wasn't seven in the morning, I would've answered the door a lot quicker."

"We've been standing here since 6:45!" He told me, looking slightly strained.

"Why were you at my apartment at quarter to seven?" I laughed in annoyance, not actually finding that amusing.

He rolled his eyes sighing, "Because we're going camping, and I want avoid the traffic. You follow?"

"We're going camping?" I replied. Nobody had told me about going camping. The past month had been crazy, my car was stolen, we ended up losing Laff, I almost poisoned John and Alex with Reeses Puffs, but I was almost certain that I was never asked to go camping. And anyway, why would you go camping in December? It's hella cold.

Smol Fry | Hercules X LafayetteWhere stories live. Discover now