C h a p t e r T w e n t y o n e

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{If the spelling and wording in here's really bad, I couldn't be bothered to check it, but sorry for the wait my dudes}

Herc's POV

It was almost done, my masterpiece was almost done. All I needed to do was to see how it looked on a person and make a few adjustments here and there. No big deal. Quickly, I glanced at a small clock on the wall - I had two hours until Martha was going to pick this up, and I'd been working non-stop ever since eleven thirty in the morning. Laff, the only person who didn't make me lose the will to live in these situations, was asleep on the sofa in the other room. I just needed to subtly break it to him that he would have to be a living mannequin.

Stretching, I slowly stood up and made my way to the sofa. I gently shook him on the shoulder and his eyes opened. After greeting me with a large smile, he stood up wishing me a 'good morning'. Chuckling, I informed him that it was in fact the same day, and a great day for helping friends. Nodding, it didn't appear that he had caught onto the fact I was going to dress him in an outfit commonly associated with women, but men should have the rights to wear. I beckoned him to follow me into the room and showed him the dress. His eyes lit up as he traced his hand over the seams.

"Are you sure you didn't just buy this?" he asked, astonished.

"I made it," I chuckled, smoothly moving to the point, "Howwouldyouliketotryiton?"


"I kinda require a mannequin right now, but they're all used... would you, erm, like to do the honours?"

At first, he looked a little shocked, but not reluctant. Blushing slightly, he slowly nodded, accepting the 'task' I had set him. I awkwardly shut the door leaving the two of us in the room. It then occurred to me that he needed to get undressed, and, unlike me, probably wanted a little privacy. I kind of shuffled towards the door and, taking a random glance at him, went into the other room. Whilst I waited for him, I recalled how absent my car was. I hadn't yet thought about how I'd be able to actually get it back. I mean, I had insurance...

Shit - my driver's license and all that stuff was in there as well. Instantly, I began to panic, was I ever going to get that back? What the hell would I tell my mom? I decided to make a mental note to plan my funeral after she murdered me. That car had been with me forever... ever since I was seventeen, and it was still worth a lot of money.

"C-could we possibly g-get this done q-quickly?"

My thoughts were interrupted by an embarrassed voice behind me. I turned to see Laff, his face as red as an apple, wearing the dress, quite literally perfectly. Before this, I had no idea that you could wear something and look as amazing as he did, but you learn something new everyday. When I say he looked amazing, I seriously mean it - I had never seen a man (or a woman in that case) look so beautiful. He asked to get it done quickly, but there was barely anything that needed to be fixed.

I looked up at him and he seemed even more flustered than before... How much of that did I say aloud?

"Y-you think I look b-beautiful?" he stammered in disbelief, answering my question.

"Who in their right mind wouldn't?" I chuckled under my breath, but by the way his breathing faltered, I'm pretty sure he heard. I just wished complimenting someone was as easy as telling them your feelings. As much as I was loud, confident and 'witty', I was never really great with love. After a numerous amount of break-ups, I had never found someone I felt the same way about as Laff. It's funny how some people don't believe in angels. I guess I didn't before I met him.

Smol Fry | Hercules X LafayetteWhere stories live. Discover now