C h a p t e r T h i r t y t w o

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{They're gay. I will be your best friend forever if you can write me some more George Squared ones-shots, and I'm making a Hispanic OC and I wanna know if I should call him Lucas or Nicolas}

Herc's POV


I've gotta admit, John's woken me up in some pretty weird ways before, but bursting into my room at 6:24am wasn't the ideal way that I wanted to be woken up. Even ignoring him would be difficult, 'cause he was wearing a Santa hat with glowing, flashing, LED antlers. Al kinda just stood in the doorway looking super pissed, most likely because being woken up is not his favorite activity either. He grumbled a few swear words as John carefully placed a 'singing Santa hat' on his head and turned the song on. To be honest, I was pretty surprised that the neighbours didn't call the cops on us, because at 6am, an out-of-tune version of Jingle Bell Rock blasting out of a hat wasn't something they'd be wanting.

"Stop spooning, and get out of the bed," Alex grumbled, tossing the hat somewhere down the hallway, John ran to retrieve it. I glared at him as we were literally on opposite sides of the bed, "Seriously, I love you both, and I love John the best, but I wanna go back to sleep."

"Alex, come on, where's your Christmas spirit?" John pouted, prodding him in the ribs as the hat was tossed in a different direction.

"If I had Christmas spirit, I'd be going down to church and celebrating Jesus' birth instead of having a party about some commercialised festival that now has nothing to do with religion," he spat back, actually having a point. John however really loved festivities, like, really  loved them; I wasn't actually aware of why Alex was a Scrooge when it came to this side f Christmas, but he had his rights.

Yawning, I turned over to face the sleeping Frenchman. I gently shook him on the shoulder, doing my best to wake him up peacefully before John forced him to wear a festive hat. He shuffled a little and his eyes began to flicker open; I forgot how adorable he was when he slept. His eyes then opened fully and jumped a little, probably shocked that my face was about twenty centimetres away from his.

"G-good morning," he whispered sleepily, obviously unaware of John dancing in the doorway.

"Merry Christmas," I chuckled, ruffling his hair and getting out of bed.

"O-oh yes! Of course, I forgot-"

"HOW DID YOU FORGET IT WAS CHRISTMAS?" John shrieked from the door as Alex walked into the sitting room and probably died somewhere.

"Mon ami, you know me; I am very forgetful," he replied whilst tying his hair up.

John grumbled something which one could only assume was about Christmas and went to annoy Alex. I glanced at Lafayette, who was still putting a hair band in his hair, unaware that I was slowly sneaking up on him. Chuckling silently, I knew I was going to catch him off guard. I pounced. He screamed. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I tackled him back onto the bed, and brought him into a hug.

"What d'you say we hibernate until next year," I mumbled, my brain longing t catch up on the sleep I desperately needed.

"B-but... we will miss Christmas," he replied, his face buried in my chest.

"Come on, five more minutes... I need to sleep," I sighed, pulling the covers back over me. He nodded, probably just as tired as I was, and wrapped his arms around my upper-body. Before I met Lafayette, I never believed John and Al when they said that being in a relationship was so much better than sleeping alone every night. Of course, their opposite of 'sleeping alone' wasn't something I wanted to find out about, but a normal person's definition had me thinking that they might've been right.

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