C h a p t e r F i v e

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Herc's POV

I groaned in annoyance as Alex announced how long the journey would be - one hour, one FREAKING hour. Luckily, I had reserved our table all night so even if we arrived late, it didn't matter. We went in Alex's car because he had this pass for free parking wherever we went so obviously he drove. John was sat in the passenger seat and me and Laff in the back - it was unsurprisingly cramped.

There was an awkward silence hanging around the car so John turned the radio on. So there we were, in the car, listening to Smooth Radio. All of the old romantic songs were playing which made the situation even more awkward. To make matters worse, the two in front decided to sing along: they weren't great to say the least. I looked at Laff who was sat there looking at the floor so I nudged him and smirked. I was taking a video of their harmonious voices. Once I had about five minutes of footage, I began uploading it to YouTube.

Me and Laff were sniggering in the back; at least we were occupied. After it had done, we were bored again, so I just stared out of the window admiring the car next to us - it was a black Ferrari, classy. My face then dropped as I realised who was in the car - Charles Lee, John Adams and Aaron Burr. Those guys literally had it in for us. Thomas Jefferson used to be part of their 'gang' but mysteriously vanished from it for some reason. So I guess we were on 'good' terms with him.

"Don't look now guys, but we got a Charles Lee at nine o'clock," I sighed turning my head away. "Who's Charles Lee?" Laff inquired, looking confused.

"Just a guy who we hate," Alex replied, a hint of disgust in his voice. I turned to face the Frenchman and he appeared to be thinking.

"What's on your mind?"

"Oh... It's nothing mon amie, it's just, 'Charles Lee' sounds familiar..." He answered. Charles had never even been to France so I doubt he heard it from his home country. He shrugged and continued to look out of his window. I think for the rest of the journey, I was looking at Laff. "WE'RE HERE!" John screeched shattering my train of thought. We all got out of the car and made our way to the restaurant. Damn, that place was big.

Once we inside, I saw a massive queue of people waiting for a table. I chuckled as I beckoned the others to follow me to our reserved seats. Turns out we had a booth - cosy. What made it even better was the fact we were right next to the food. Luck was on my side, until I saw the 'golden trio' strut into the restaurant. Out of all the people, it had to be John Adams, Charles Lee and Aaron Burr.

"Oh dear god," I groaned, motioning my head towards them. John and Alex wore faces of disgust whilst Laff looked really nervous.

"Hey, what's the matter?" I asked him softly.

"It's them - they were the ones who didn't let me into that apartment..."

Ok. I had yet another reason to hate them. The others looked at us in confusion so I sighed and briefly told them the story of how me and Laff met. "That's it, we're going over there!" I said plainly about to get up, but Laff grabbed my arm.

"Je suis désolé... But, you don't suppose we could maybe stay clear of them?" He pleaded. I smiled and nodded, "We should probably get our food now, before they see us."

We walked up to the many self service stands with a number of different foods from other countries. We walked over to this Italian table and John immediately began to pile spaghetti on his plate - to say he was sick earlier, he definitely had an appetite somewhat. Laff didn't seem too interested in this table so we walked to another, leaving the other two making mountains of garlic bread on their plates.

Smol Fry | Hercules X LafayetteWhere stories live. Discover now