C h a p t e r T w e n t y s e v e n

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{You should look this cover up, I really love it lmao, his names Chase Holfelder - basically, he does covers in c major.. Also, I had 3 three chapters ready to publish and I have no idea what, but something went horribly wrong and deleted all of them, but I made this one pretty long to make up for it :'D NOT PROOF READ OOPS}

Laff's POV

Yawning, I opened my eyes to be greeted by complete darkness. I didn't particularly feel tired, however the sun was not yet up... or the clouds and wind as the sun was making very limited appearances - thank goodness John and I went shopping a while back, or I'd only be wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Speaking of clothing, I remembered that Hercules had leant me his sweater last night. Blushing, I brought it close up to my face, it still smelled of strawberry and mint. Oh mon dieu, I was growing more attracted to him every day.

Startling ever so slightly, my phone vibrated, as I received a text from someone. Confused, I picked up my phone - I could have sworn there was not signal yesterday. The text was from an unfamiliar number, sent to me 'yesterday', meaning it was just reminding me. It then occurred to me that yesterday morning, before we had set off to the site, I had received a text, but ignored it. As I scrolled through my thirteen notifications, twelve of them were reminding me about that text! The other one was telling me that my sims characters were not doing so well. Unlocking my phone, I opened messages and read the text:

Unknown Number: You deserve what you're going to get

An uneasy feeling appeared in the pit of my stomach. Who on Earth had decided to send me that? Automatically, my mind began to think of possible people who disliked. That would be quite difficult as it added up to pretty much everyone in the entire Universe. Samuel had no way of contacting me as I had blocked him in every way possible; Maria was looking not to hurt me as the message implied, but something else; and I had also blocked the 'Lee Gang', because I had to call them about the apartment. There was quiet literally nobody else who could contact me. In fact, it was probably either a prank text from a random person, or someone getting the wrong number. Nevertheless I replied 'subtly'.

You: ?

Yawning once again, I checked the time - 6:57. Hercules' alarm was set to scare the living daylights out of me in three minutes, so I decided to lay back down and wait until then, safe in the knowledge that even if the number did  reply, I had no signal. The tent was dimly lit by my phone flashlight, and I realised that Hercules was laid across the floor, next to the mattress. How long had he been like that? I gently touched his arm, trying not to wake him; he was ice cold. Then, I noticed just how cold the mattress actually felt. If I was not so weak, perhaps I would have been able to drag him back off of the floor. Although, despite being in an uncomfortable looking position, he appeared extremely peaceful. In fact the whole tent was peaceful-

As if on queue, Hercules' alarm interrupted my train of thought, almost giving me a heart attack. I let out a high pitch noise and not long after, Hercules began to stir, reaching for the snooze button. I giggled and passed him his phone.

"Mornin' Laff," He mumbled, stretching his arms.

"Bonjour!" I greeted him, as he ruffled my hair.

"How long have you been awake?" He questioned sleepily.

"About five minutes..."

"Well, it's our job to make breakfast, and since someone's taking 'food tech' in College, I think you should show me how it's done, unless of course you wanted pancakes, then we'll leave the flipping up to me," he smirked, both of us reminiscing at the time a pancake was flipped onto my head.

Smol Fry | Hercules X LafayetteWhere stories live. Discover now