C h a p t e r F i f t e e n

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{^^ I sometimes text Zodiaite pretending to be King George so I thought, 'why not pretend that they're George Washington?' And so I did. And that happened}

Herc's POV

"My car's gone."

Blankly, I stared at the spot we had parked it in. Who would go through so much trouble to do that? Angrily, I began pacing up and down the car park. Sure, I had enough money for the bus and nothing important was in the car... But I freaking payed for that. I had worked my ass off just so I had enough money get it: I didn't just want a standard car, I wanted one which was worth the money. Seven months working night shifts at the tailor's had just gone down the drain. Thank god nothing important was in there.



I turned to Laff: he was pale. More pale than I'd seen him before. There was a glint of fear in his eyes. He began to stammer nervously, struggling to get his words out.
"Are you okay? What's the matter?" I asked him worriedly. Why was he freaking out?

"M-my phone isn't in my p-pocket..." He managed eventually, "I think I-I've left it in t-the car..."

He began to shake so I quickly brought him into a hug: It was the only thing I could think of. Laff's life didn't revolve around social media, so he couldn't really be upset... He didn't seem upset. Just worried. All of his details and contacts were on that phone - if they fell into the wrong hands that would put him in danger! Whoever did this, I wasn't going to let them get away with what they'd done. If even the slightest bit of harm came to him, I would personally hunt down who took my car, and... Teach them a lesson.

"It's gonna be okay," I reassured him, "We're gonna find whoever did this."

He nodded and smiled weakly. First, we had to get back home. I only just had enough money for the bus and was counting my change when something caught my eye. A few spaces away from where I had parked was something glistening. Quickly, I ran over to it and picked it up: it was a phone. Was it Laff's phone? I turned on the phone and on the lock screen was a picture of me and him in onesies. Definitely his phone.

"Hey Laff!" I shouted to the recovering Frenchman and made my way towards him, "I believe this is yours."

His eyes lit up as I handed it to him. We checked and there didn't seem to be anything wrong with it. Whoever took my car was smart enough to leave the phone, so we couldn't track them. After a quick search for anything else the person may have dropped, I decided it would be better if we double checked the phone. As there was nothing else around and the bus wasn't coming until seven minutes, we had a lot of time. I beckoned Laff to follow as I made my way to the bus stop. There were some seats over there luckily so we could rest our legs.

"Has anyone added another Touch ID?"

"No, not by the looks of it mon ami."

"Anything changed in the settings?"

"... No everything is the same on there."

"Any new contacts or calls?"

"No... I don't think they've even looked twice at the phone," he sighed sadly, placing it back into his pocket. We hadn't gotten anywhere and the bus wasn't coming for another six minutes. I began to think of any possible suspects: John and Alex could've possibly done it, but they would've at least texted me if they were going to. I didn't really know Jefferson and Madison enough for them to even know I owned a car. Of course, the Lee gang were a possibility, but they had driven in their Ferrari, and it was only Lee who could drive... Therefore, they'd have to take the Ferrari back.

Smol Fry | Hercules X LafayetteWhere stories live. Discover now