C h a p t e r T h i r t y s e v e n

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{Pure British comedy, also,, sorry FOR NOT UPDATING, I've been battling the flu, exams, my raging bi-ness, and general lack of motivation :3}

Laff's POV

After staying in Ireland for three days, I had learnt a lot about Hercules and when he was a child, and how him and Aaron used to be best friends. We had decided to leave out the part where Charles Lee came in, and just stated that they had a 'minor falling out'. Every night, Sarah would cook a meal, and it reminded of how much I missed my Grandma - not that Sarah was old, however she was an amazing cook, as was Ma grand-mère. One night, Hugh secretly bought a takeaway for us, and then disappeared to meet Brian and Adam 'at the boozer' as Sarah said. I also learnt that Hercules spoke a little Irish, and his accent definitely came through when he visited his parents.

It was the final night we were staying, and Hercules and Hugh both had some sort of alcohol. As I was not much of a drinker, Sarah decided to make me some cocoa instead, so I sat happily and drank that instead. Hercules had his arm round my shoulder, and I was slightly concerned about the level of alcohol he was consuming. Pretending not to notice the several empty cans behind the sofa his mother had not seen, I smiled and placed my mug on the coffee table, listening to Hercules' story he was telling.

"So everyone was crowding around me at this high school party, and this guy called Kurt was like 'Hey Herc, you need a jello-shot!' and there was like ten on a table," he grinned with a slurred voice, we nodded and tried to follow on.

"And then he was like, 'I bet you 30 bucks you can't down these in ten seconds', and I said 'you're on!' so I downed them in like nine seconds and he still owes me thirty bucks," he finished, placing another empty can on the table.

"Wonderful. Now, don't you suppose you've had enough to drink, Herc?" Sarah asked with a strained smile.

"I could manage like, fifteen more," he laughed, a little too loudly to be sober.

"I don't doubt that, but Hercules, I'm not asking now, I'm telling, it's time for bed," his mother snapped as he threw a pillow at a porcelain pig in the corner in rage.

"You gotta hand it to the kid, he can hold his alcohol," Hugh snorted from across the room, dodging a death glare aimed straight at him.

I found the whole situation very hard to believe - my mother once forced me to hang out with my older brother, so he took me to a bar... I cannot hold one drink, let alone twenty. I'd come back with a humongous headache, after crashing into at least four garbage cans. Hercules meanwhile was completely awake, a little loud and red-faced perhaps, but not passed out. Just as he reached for another can, his mother slapped his hand away.


"Fiiiiiinnneee," he whined and grabbed my hand, leading me upstairs.

We got to the bedroom and Hercules released my hand. The heating had been on all day, so it was slightly hot in the room, and pyjamas were not an amazingly logical option. I turned to Hercules to ask his opinion, but then realised that asking him anything was probably not amazingly logical either. He too had noticed how hot it was seemingly, as he was stripping, right in front of me. Blushing, I whipped back around to 'observe' a death metal poster - I did not know how to reason with a drunk man. Noticing one of his t-shirts folded on the desk, I hoped that he would not mind if I put that on. As quickly as I could, I undressed and reached for the t-shirt, but stopped dead in my tracks when realising two arms snaking around my waist. Zut.

"I don't feel like sleeping," he whispered, resting his head on my neck.

"O-oh? Really? W-w-well, I... I erm, I am actually v-very tired,"  I coughed, my face reaching whole new levels of redness.

Smol Fry | Hercules X LafayetteWhere stories live. Discover now