C h a p t e r F o r t y f o u r

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{Hey my guys, gals and non-binary pals, so sorry this wasn't quicker, I've been in a production and my laptop committed suicide <3}

Aaron's POV - lol no time skip

If you travel downtown where all of the alternative shops are, there's a small book store with a cafe through a door. Not many people know about it, but I found it one day trying to find a book about looking after bonsai trees. I'm pretty sure a guy called Matt runs the place. The walls aren't plastered and the place has cool hanging lights, along with the little succulent plants sat on the windowsills and tables. I always thought it was a bit of a shame that I'm not a coffee drinker, but the milkshakes are literally to die for, and my face heated up every time Charles remembered that.

"Aaron? Dude? You're spacing out again."


My eyes darted up to Charles who wore an amused look on his face. The day after I visited him, the hospital said he was good to go, as long as he stayed away from anything that wasn't prescribed. He was fine with that. Almost immediately, Charles insisted on taking the Ferrari out straightaway, because he 'missed his baby', so he decided to come here.

"What drink d'you want?" He asked, eyes skimming the chalkboard above the counter.

"Uhm, a strawberry milkshake, if that's okay?"

"Course," he chuckled, "Hey Matt, can I have a strawberry milkshake and a black coffee please?"

"Coming right up," he smiled, taking the money and going to make the drinks.

I looked at Charles who was lent against the counter, staring at the cars out of the window, occasionally flicking his hair. My face going slightly red, I realised that I never noticed how hypnotizing his hair was; how soft it looked, how it sort of fell over one side of his face, or how he ran his hands through it whenever it started to block his view. God help me.

"You okay?" He asked, as I snapped back into reality and nodded my head a little too quickly. He chuckled, running a hand through his hair, looking me dead in the eyes. My stomach did a flip and my heart started to beat a lot faster than it should've been. 

"Yeah, I- I need the bathroom, sorry, I- yeah," I smiled, rushing off in the wrong direction, realising, almost tripping over a small dog, and eventually ending up in the bathrooms. It was at that point I was extremely grateful for the individual bathrooms, because it looked like I was having a heart attack, and I didn't want to raise any concern... or at least no more than running around the coffee shop.

Splashing water over my face, I looked in the mirror and tried to look a little more normal. There was no point in lying, I was more than head over heels for him... The way he flicked his hair had me putty in his hands, but it was just wrong. If I ignored it, it'd just go away; they weren't feelings that I was meant to feel. I took a deep breath in, and walked out of the bathroom and immediately forgot my pep-talk. Charles was stood sipping his coffee with his leather jacket over his shoulders exposing the fact he was wearing that white tank top, the same tank top which then brought attention to his skinny, ripped jeans which fit to the Gods. Abort, abort, abort.

"You alright, you've got a weird look on your face," he asked as we sat down at a table in the corner.

"Indigestion... I had a soggy... burrito," I said completely unrealistically.

"Great," he sarcastically replied and took a sip of his coffee, he must've noticed I was staring and added, "Yeah, I drink my coffee black, fight me."

"You'd obviously win," I chuckled, going along with the fact I was definitely staring at his 'coffee'.

"With these abs?" He scoffed and sarcastically showed off his toned arms.

Smol Fry | Hercules X LafayetteWhere stories live. Discover now