C h a p t e r T w e n t y f i v e

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{I love that show, even now I binge it on Le Netflic. Btw, if you're waiting for @zodiaite to finish her book, she won't. We kinda just laugh about it now... like a distant memory...}

Laff's POV

It was late. Ten o'clock at night. Usually at this time, I'd be checking beneath my bed for spiders, geese or clowns, however I was doing something miles more fun and exciting than that - I was camping, not to mention with the man I had a heart-achingly humongous crush on. No matter how late it was however, we couldn't go to bed, as John explained that having only some cheese puffs and reeses bites did not count as having any nutritional value. Of course, I had no knowledge when it came to eating food with nutritional value, but I was a tiny bit hungry.

There was only a slight problem.

Not much light from the sun was reaching the magnifying glass John was using to light the fire. Obviously I would never judge anyone, and in most situations, they'd be correct rather than me, but I wasn't completely sure if any sun actually would reach the glass at ten o'clock at night. After we had waited patiently as each one of us submitted an idea, each one of them being physically impossible or failing miserably, John was extremely determined to make fire.

"John," Hercules said flatly, after a while, "This isn't gonna work. It's night."

"Moon-rays, Herc! Think about it," John replied, earning a scowl, "It's the sun's rays reflecting on the moon!"

Admittedly, if I had thought of that solution beforehand, I thought that the theory was quite realistic. But I did get a D minus in my science exam, so perhaps I was also wrong.

"John. All of us are here, freezing, could you just let someone else try?" Hercules asked calmly, but eyeing John as if he didn't want to be messed with.

"Do you see  fire?" Thomas exclaimed, shivering like the rest of us, if not slightly more.

John looked at his pile of wood, stuck his tongue out, and sat back down, leaving Hercules the only one not to come up with a suggestion. He grumbled, kneeling in front of the pile of wood and chuckled at the remains of some of our feeble attempts, telling us there wasn't nearly enough wood. Even though I felt like a fool in front of Hercules, he was my reassurance that we weren't going to perish. He asked me to come with him to collect more material, Thomas and James to get the food, and John and Alexander to do absolutely nothing.

We began to walk towards the woods, but deciding to think ahead, I clumsily attempted to get my phone from my back pocket. Hercules, noticing the fact my phone had become stuck in my jeans, chuckled.

"Nuh-uh," He laughed, pushing my phone back into my pocket, blushing at the grasping of my *ahem*... jeans in the process. Thank goodness it was pitch black, or he would've mistaken me for a tomato.

"We're gonna do this the old-fashioned way," he replied to my confusion, turning on what the Americans call 'a flashlight'. All of a sudden, anything within about four metre's radius of us had been lit up, and right in front of us was a tall figure. I squealed and before I knew it, my arms were wrapped around his upper body. He chuckled and wrapped his free arm around my waist.

"T-t-there's something... there," I whispered, my eyes shut as tight as possible.

"My guess is a tree, Laffy," Hercules snorted, as the mystery figure turned out to be nothing less than a small tree. I knew I was going to look like a fool! I awkwardly de-attached myself from him, immediately losing the safe feeling I had. Each tree appeared to close in on you whilst you weren't watching, their branches menacingly looming over your head. I decide it best to simply look down and ignore the fact that I was terrified. Hercules noticed this, and pulled me back to him, keeping one arm around my waist.

Smol Fry | Hercules X LafayetteWhere stories live. Discover now