C h a p t e r F o r t y s i x

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{Thank you to JK Rowling for confirming the sex that Grindelwald and Dumbledore were having, despite fanfiction writers already writing about it a decade before}

Al's POV

"Should we talk to him?"

"I'm not sure he wants to listen, John."

"We can't leave him sitting there forever."

"It didn't happen to us though, did it?"

"I'm worried, Al."

"So am I."

We hadn't really heard what happened, not properly anyway, just fragments of other people's stories. Neither of us wanted to believe it, to be honest, I don't think we really have. It's been a hazy dream since it happened; God knows how Herc feels. It's as if his emotions have left him - he's an empty shell. He was denied access of the hospital at first, having to wait behind a locked door, as the person who he loved the most was fading away. We'd barely seen him move from the sofa after that; there was absolutely no getting through to him. 

If you talked to him, on the off chance he'd acknowledge you, the most you'd get out of him was a glance. His eyes were constantly glued to the plane tickets they used to get to Ireland, but whatever spark used to be in them had left - he had no expression. There was no clue into what he was thinking about, or where his mind had gone. Wherever it had taken him, he'd been there for a while, and for a split millisecond, I could see a flash of regret in his eyes.

Herc's POV but in the past sorry

"No! No, it is- it is not that- I- sorry... but I need to explain a lot," He stuttered, and I gave him a nod, and a look that said 'breath'.

At that point, I had woken up to Laff staring at me, got in the shower, and went and checked my Instagram, pretty normal. A few pictures of celebrities I didn't care about, some adverts for childcare and something on James Reynolds' profile; a picture of the party we went to, and his fiancée. The thing is, there was someone else with said fiancée, someone who I knew. My fucking boyfriend.

Quite a lot of things seemed to come crashing down at once, whenever he was acting suspicious, that was why... Did he actually like me? What the fuck had he been doing since I'd met him if he hadn't. Well I was going to fucking find out.

We walked down the high-street until I broke the silence.

"So, what's it all about then, because if you don't wanna be togeth-"

"No! No, it is- it is not that- I- sorry... but I need to explain a lot,"

So he did, and I felt like an  fucking awful boyfriend for not noticing all the shit, or at least not asking about it. He insisted it wasn't my fault, but I couldn't help but disagree.

"I'm really fucking sorry-"

"Please, Hercules, it is not your fault, you did  ask, I just didn't want to hurt you," he said, his voicw becoming progressively quieter.

"Hurt me? Laff, you've only been hurting yourself," I said, as he avoided eye contact.

"D'you want a hug?" I asked him, and he nodded, as I brought him into what was probably a back breaking hug.

"So when I kissed you at the camping thing..."

"Maria, I thought I saw Maria," he murmured, and knew he was crying into my shoulder.

I held onto him a little tighter, afraid that he might disappear if I let him go again. I wasn't going to, ever. As he buried his face into my neck, loud footsteps approaching us caught my attention. Before I could look up, someone crashed into us, I let go of Lafayette and felt a small twang of dread.

A pair of familiar eyes locked with mine, and I sighed, reaching a hand out to help my cousin up. He glanced backwards and my eyes flickered up to look at Lee running down the sidewalk.

"How did I fucking know it'd be you?" I chuckled, ironically not happy to see him whatsoever.

"Look, you don't know what's going on here," Lee, trying to get to Aaron, but I pushed him back. Charles looked at me with something I couldn't quite figure out. Aaron looked back at him with widening eyes.

"Look, Lee, I'll give you a few seconds to leave before I smash your skull," I began, with no particular emotion to my voice, "You've done shit that none of here will forgive you for."


"Don't even bring him into this. Leave, now."

"Aaron, please."


"Fine, you know what, IT'S FUCKING FINE!" Charles yelled, shoving me and leaving in the opposite direction.

I looked at Aaron who shook his head and me, almost in a way that said 'you shouldn't have done that', but also looked at me like it wasn't my fault. He mouthed an apology and ran after him.

Confused, I turned around to look at Lafayette who'd been pushed back when Charles pushed me. He was just standing there in the road-

Jesus fucking christ.

Before I could even open my mouth, it just came so quickly, and he was gone, just like that.

I shouldn't have let him go.

{A short chapter, but next one will be the last, so I'm sure it'll compensate, I'm not sure I'm even ready lmao}

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