C h a p t e r T w e n t y n i n e

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{Wow, was that video foreshadowing something? No. It wasn't, I just miss vine.}

Ham the Man's  POV

"A plan!"

This was great, we were the protagonist in the story, ready to help the two star crossed lovers! It was almost as if we were in some shitty, depressing fanfiction, which had always been John's dream. Many at this point would be thinking 'But the plans that the two protagonists come up with are always awful!', well, they're right. However, this time, rather than getting two people who we shipped together, we were actually helping them. Now, I'm all for helping people, being the thoughtful, lovable friend I am, but the plans John and I come up with haven't been the best. Like, we told Herc to go to the zoo in some weird rhyme, but then his car got stolen, and Lafayette disappeared. Or the time we smashed up the fuse box outside to create apower-cut, and the entire apartment  tried to hunt us down.

"Oh! I've got it!," John whisper-squealed, high on the esspresso I'd made for him, "We use the fuze-box-"

"Johnny, I'm not smashing up another fuze-box."

"Well then... we... send another message as Martha wanting a dress-"

"Herc's still suspicious about that one, he always gives me the look of death whenever the subject of dresses or Martha comes up."

"Oh... sorry, I'm pretty useless," he smiled, I could kinda see hurt in his eyes. I wasn't having that! Apologizing quietly, I pulled him into a hug on the sofa, as he buried his face in my stranger things™ inspired christmas jumper I'd bought last year.

"It needs to be something pretty secretive, or maybe we should talk to them first," I suggested and John sat up and shook his head,

"Its too risky - not expecting it to be awkward or for someone to flip out. It'd be like inviting my dad round for a chat about being gay and expecting him not to flip and you not to insult the heck outta him."

"And I will fight him," I spat. John poked me in the ribs telling me not to loose focus.

"Okay, okay, it needs to be something romantic," I began as John's eyes lit up; he likes that kind of stuff, "Something that can't be ruined by getting on the wrong bus, something that they won't expect!"

"Like what?" The problem with John was that as much as he loved romantic stuff, his advice was pretty shit. Now I know that sounds bad, but I can't apologize because it's true.

His eyes began to light up even more as I went through the plan I had come up with. It was genuinely perfect, it wouldn't be able to go wrong! Well, there was a 1.467382 percent chance that it would, but John and I would sort that out, all we had to do was wait until the moring to put it into action, which would be pretty difficult considering John had just had three cups of coffee. Looks like we wouldn't be getting any sleep.

{Time skip to el mañana}

John's POV

As we predicted Lafayette was the first to wake up. Al pretended to be asleep on the couch as I greeted him with a smile and a cup of coffee. He meekly smiled, thanking me, and began to head back to the room. The plan wouldn't work if he went back to bed, and if Hercules woke up as well! Quickly running towards him, I ran into him and grabbed the cup of coffee, earning a look of confusion, and darted back into the kitchen, as quick as humanly possible. I felt pretty bad for stealing it, but I'd feel worse if everything failed.

"LAFA-" I was about to shout when I realised that even though Hercules could sleep through an earthquake, people screaming usually woke him up, "Lafayette, come back!"

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