C h a p t e r T h i r t y e i g h t

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{Last chapter was a bit of a filler, now let's get onto some casual College life and can I just say, this College serves ALL students rather than just having specific subjects and shiz just so that it fits having students studying LOADS of students; also, based off of my book, how old do you think I am?}

Herc's POV

"I'm sorry Al, lemme get this straight," I began, staring him down, "You waited until I arrived back from Ireland, to tell me that my car had been completely wrecked?"

"I tried sending you loads of messages, they just wouldn't go through," he said in defenses.

My mom had cried whilst we left, packing me loads of 'Nature Valley Bars and Brian had picked us up, again free of charge. Getting the bear back on the plane was slightly more difficult than before, but after a half an hour debate about how he counted as extra hand luggage, they said that they'd found a place in First Class that nobody had taken up. The thought of some rich guy having to sit next to a giant stuffed bear on a business flight made me chuckle. We were all pretty happy at that point, the sun was out, which was rare for Halfway through January, nobody was actually causing problems, and I was resting easy with the knowledge that Aaron and I are on good terms.

What I didn't know was that I would not only be greeted by two malnourished overgrown kids, my car would be completely wrecked and undriveable if you wanted to keep your dignity. Shaking my head, I tossed them both one of my many Nature Valley Bars and agreed that it wasn't their fault that the car was smashed in the first place...

"It definitely wasn't you guys-"


"Alright, alright, I was just checking," I said defensively, but with a slight grin.

"Anyway, we're all meant to be at college right now," John laughed as if he'd just said the funniest statement in the world.

Laff's POV

"Anyway, we're all meant to be at college right now!"


Was it really Monday? It could not be Monday, surely not. My eyes darted towards a calendar with pictures of samoyeds on. Oui... it was Monday. Frantically, I rushed Hercules' room and grabbed the bag which I had prepared at least three weeks earlier. Everyone laughed at my effort, but I suppose they had been at the college longer, and most likely did not do over the top things like that, just to 'impress'. Truly, I never really survived High School; I mean of course I SURVIVED survived, but emotionally, I was very drained.

"Should we take my car?" Alexander suggested, but with a small, almost unnoticeable smirk on his face.

"Shut up," Hercules replied, but with a small smile creeping onto his face.

"Right, let's go," John smiled, clapping his hands together, "It's kinda lucky we all have to be in today."

It was a little squished in the car, but nonetheless, I was extremely excited, and nervous. Mainly nervous. College in France scared me immensely, everyone was meant to have grown up since high school, but in fact, nobody had. Essentially, it was just slightly taller bullies... I thought that perhaps American college would be different, anyway, I was about to find out. We pulled up just outside because 'parking is an absolute shitting nightmare' according to Alexander.

"So Laff, I'm obviously not doing a course on food, which means I'm not gonna be with you," Hercules explained as we got out of the car, "I'll show you around but obviously, I can't stay with you."

Oh. That had not actually occurred to me beforehand, and would possibly be a problem, as I was prone to getting lost. I hoped I did not show it on my face, but judging by Hercules' worried expression, perhaps it did.

Smol Fry | Hercules X LafayetteWhere stories live. Discover now