C h a p t e r T w e l v e

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{Hey, I've noticed that the chapter has skipped from ten to twelve here? Idk why that happened (or if its just on my computer) but chapter eleven comes first - sorry for the inconvenience, but I'd read that one first, if you want things to make sense!}

Herc's POV

In a fit of rage, I slammed my fist down on the horn. I repeatedly did that until Laff had to literally grab my arm so I didn't break the steering wheel. Did these idiots not know how to drive? Swearing purposely loudly, I tried to calm down by breathing slowly. Smiling apologetically, I looked at him to see what was going on at his side of the road - traffic. We were literally gridlocked. Earlier on, I decided it would be quicker to take a shortcut, unaware of the roadworks. As a result of this, we had spent half an hour sat in the same position.

"Perhaps we should put some music on?" Laff suggested with a reassuring smile. I nodded turning the radio on: Justin Bieber came on. Immediately, I turned it off. I was already being tortured in this traffic, I wasn't listening to that. All of a sudden, this moron decided to switch lanes through a one metre gap, WHO DOES THAT?

"LEARN TO DRIVE YOU USELESS LITTLE SH-" I yelled out of the window, Laff once again having to hold me back before I put my middle fingers up at them. Sighing, I glanced at the scenery. We were stranded on a motorway. For miles, all you could see were stationary cars, agitated drivers and roads covered with a sheet of vehicles. On one side of the road was a view of a nuclear plant, the other a view overlooking a part of New York. The problem was, it was overlooking some of the less nice places of the city.

However, if you decided not to focus on that, you would see Laff who made up for the crappy view. Speaking of him, Alex said to ask him out at the zoo. Granted, it wasn't the most romantic place but that didn't mean it couldn't be. Jesus, who was I kidding? To ask him out at the zoo would be like asking someone to put a spear through themselves and jump off a cliff. Come on Herc, you were more original than that.

"Hercules mon ami, the traffic is beginning to move!"

"Thank God!" I muttered.

"Désolé... I didn't mean-" he stuttered. I bet he thought I was being spiteful to him. Again, I smiled apologetically putting my hand on his shoulder. He smiled back but that faded when someone behind me began yelling at me to move. I realised the traffic had moved about three metres. Just as I was about to go, some idiot cut in front of me into that gap.


"Hercules, please mon ami, calm down!" Laff shouted before I could screech my insult at the guy in front. Rubbing my temples, I took a deep breath and focused on the road in front. It was going to be a long journey.

Laff's POV

Hercules was agitated to say the least. He was usually so laid back and cheerful, it scared me to see him like this. Many failed attempts of me trying to lighten the mood had passed, many minutes we could've spent happily together had passed as well. I felt like now would be a good time to strike up an interesting conversation. I then realised I couldn't create small talk to save my life. Despite this, I wanted to get to know Hercules even better. I mean, I did like him after all.

"So Hercules, you know that I grew up in France, but where did you grow up?"

"Oh," He began, grinning at me, "Well, I grew up in Ireland until I was six. It was awesome, the views, the wildlife, the food: everything. Then, my family moved to New York and I went to kindergarten and met Alex and John. Life was great back then, you know? You didn't have to worry about anything..."

"My life's a bag of worries," I chuckled, feeling accomplished that I was taking his mind off of the traffic, "But oui, continue!"

"So yeah, my family moved back to Ireland when I was fourteen but I stayed. A Tailor who was a close friend of my dad's took me in as his apprentice. When I was eighteen he... He passed away - it was like losing my second dad."

Smol Fry | Hercules X LafayetteWhere stories live. Discover now