C h a p t e r T h i r t y o n e

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{Its confusing at the start but don't worry, all will be revealed. NOT PROOF READ - WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? Sorry, it published earlier}

Herc's POV

The knock on the door couldn't have been anymore unwanted than it was. Everything in my life just happens to happen at the wrong time, and Lafayette had literally been my boyfriend for seventeen seconds, and someone at the door just had  to interrupt our first night as an actual couple, with John and Alex of course. I smiled at the thought - he said yes. He was my boyfriend, and some idiot - knowing my luck that Elder Price guy who stops at my door and tries to give me books about the teachings of Jesus - at the door was knocking on this night in particular. Three pairs of eyes stared at me expectantly. I stared back for a minute, becoming increasingly uncomfortable at their nonexistent blinking, and sighed, deciding to actually answer to goddamn door.

I smiled at Laff who decided to follow me, and took the key out of the plant pot. Yawning slightly, I began to unlock the door, taking my time just to piss the person off. For some reason, Laff looked really nervous and shifted about on the spot; did he know who was at the door? I turned the key slightly quicker, just in case whoever it was wasn't amazingly friendly. All I knew was that it wasn't  going to be Elder Price. Keeping my eyes on Laff, I eventually managed to unlock the door and turned the handle. My eyes widened as a face I wasn't even sure if I wanted to see greeted me.

"Hey Herc..."

"A-Aar- Burr," I attempted to make it very clear that I didn't want him  or his gang who were probably hiding behind the corner to ruin my evening with my boyfriend. For a few seconds, he stood there and stared at the floor, obviously trying to make conversation, funnily enough however, I wasn't really in the mood for any bullshit. I sighed and began to close the door.

"Herc wait, I'm sorry!"

I opened the door again with a raised eyebrow,

"You think that sorry  is gonna make up for six years of homophobic insults, attacks and every other little thing you've done ? Yeah, well, it isn't!"

"P-please, you know I never wanted to go through with it being in this gang, I got-"

"Caught up with the wrong crowd? Yeah, you've told me that one too!" I rolled my eyes - Whatever he was saying, it was bullshit. I actually tried to care for him a while back, but he shoved it back in my face.


"You're in no place to be calling me 'Herc' any more!"

"Hercules, please listen... I was a dick, I know that. I hung out with Lee to feel included, you guys had your group, you know? It didn't occur to me what it was actually doing to my head, I didn't even realise what we were doing..."

"Burr, you wouldn't  hang out with John or Alex, you were too shy, so we introduced to some people, bearing in mind we were ten, we weren't exactly aware just how hateful they were. You could've walked out on them any time! You didn't though!"

"H-Hercules... I couldn't... Lee would beat me up to no end, you've seen what he did to Thomas and James."

"What you  did, don't forget, you've helped out in all of this," I spat back. 

"H-Hercules... I-I know I did... and I tried to tell him to stop, or at least stop targeting you all, he didn't listen; he seems more determined to make everyone's life a living hell, just because I tried to reason with him. Everything that's happened, I could've warned you... I gave away information. I-it's all my fault, I'm so sorry," he began to break into to tears. My scowl softened a little, if I didn't know him, I would've though that it was an act, but Aaron crying like that was rare, "I don't want to go around with them anymore, and I don't want what happened to James and Thomas to happen a second time round..."

Smol Fry | Hercules X LafayetteWhere stories live. Discover now