C h a p t e r N i n e t e e n

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{Now, a lot of you wanted Christmas and I feel you, but I actually have a good idea for it later on in the story - when it's actually Christmas in real life, they'll have gotten together and you know... *insert Lenny face*. Now, I'm gonna write and base it around that time, but not really delve deep into festivities. Don't worry though, I have a good idea for other things and will still include Christmas fluff.}

Alex's POV

Slowly, my eyelids fluttered open to be greeted by John, laying across my stomach. Pondering on how he managed to get into that position whilst asleep, I chuckled. It then occurred to me that we weren't in Herc's apartment, but in a hotel. I remembered what room we'd booked for Lafayette and Herc and began to snigger. The possibilities of what they did in there were endless... Someone should really write a fanfic about them. I decided that when we arrived back at the apartment, that's what I would spend the rest of the day doing. John, interrupting my thoughts, let out a loud snore and shuffled about as if he was dancing. Gently pushing his shoulder, I attempted to wake him up.

"N-no, stop, I wanna sleep some more," he murmured, but ended up opening his eyes anyway, "I hate you."

"I love you too," I smiled planting a small kiss on his cheek, "Wanna go down for breakfast?"

"Al, it's 6:38 am, the restaurant isn't even open."

I supposed he was right: not everyone wakes up this early. Although, once I was awake, that was it - sleep wasn't an option. Sighing, I rested my head back on the pillow. We could devise some more plans for Herc and Lafayette to get together today! Wait... Wait... WAIT! It was almost Christmas! Had we gone through a third of December without an advent calendar? Usually, John and I would have Christmas decorations up in October, but Herc wasn't that kind of guy. He preferred to just bypass the whole season and I guess without him decorating anything, we'd forgotten about it.



"It's almost Christmas!" I screeched like a small girl. His eyes suddenly lit up and he sat up straight. So many possibilities entered his head in the space of five seconds.

"Mistletoe, hot chocolate, presents, snow... Yes, this is great!" He squealed. He knew what was up. I knew what was up. Anybody who happened to be awake near us knew what was up. Christmas is how you can get two dudes together. How we would do it was a whole different thing, but we were going to, and it would be awesome. John, feeling the spirit, wrapped his arms around me and softly hummed 'jingle bells'. In summary, we really loved Christmas.

Herc however... Didn't. After breaking up with people on a few Christmases, it didn't really appeal to him. Surprisingly, they broke up with him. Personally, if I were dating him - which I wouldn't because my heart belongs to John, the thought of breaking up with him would never enter my mind: Everyone of our friends agreed that. To be honest, none of those people were really his 'soulmates'. Lafayette however ticked all the boxes!

Hercules usually just bought a few of his friends and family gifts, and went by like it didn't really exist. It was definitely hard for him, as the tailor he worked for passed away around Christmas as well, so it wasn't necessarily a happy time for him. However, with Lafayette, that could take his mind off things. Our goal was to make our best friend happy, no matter what it took.

First, we'd get him and Lafayette out of the house, then decorate it secretly. Then unleash the power of Christmas on him! In a subtle kind of way.



"Jefferson texted me earlier."

"What?" He had the nerve to text my boyfriend? I felt a sudden rush of anger and John had to pin me down to stop me from shirtlessly rampaging around the hotel. It took a lot of calming down, but he eventually managed to keep me in one position.

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