C h a p t e r F o u r

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{The image up there ^ is something I made on Sims free play - it's basically how I thought out Herc's apartment. Yeah, I literally have no life... Btw, he doesn't have grass in his apartment or own grass for that matter, but he does own a Lafayette.}

Herc's POV

Yawning, I opened my eyes to see Laff in an uncomfortable looking position next to me on the sofa. I was sprawled out laying on top of my bear with my limbs spread out in ways I didn't think were humanly possible. I guess we had fallen asleep on the couch last night in these specific positions. Stretching, I slowly stood up and walked towards the bathroom. Momentarily, I glanced at the mirror and saw that John or Alex had drawn cat whiskers on my face. It took about ten minutes to get that god damn graffiti off of my face.

I then rushed into the sitting room and plastered across Laff's forehead were the words 'French Bread'. I almost woke him so he could scrub the sharpie off of his face but he looked so peaceful, I just watched him for a while. Eventually, I came to my senses and gave him a small shake on the shoulder. He shuffled a bit and his eyes fluttered. When he had opened his eyes, he smiled tiredly.

"Oh, bonjour! Désolé mon amie, were you meaning to sit here?" He asked. I chuckled and shook my head, telling him to go into the bathroom. Whilst he was in there, I felt the sudden urge to go back to sleep. Until I heard a small French cry of frustration. I rushed into the bathroom to see Laff with a flannel in his hand, looking utterly defeated. The words 'French Bread' we're still on his face. He flopped on the floor and weakly put the cloth to his forehead. His face then was drained of all it's colour and replaced by a worried expression.

"What if I get ink poisoning?" He cried and began vigorously scrubbing the pen. I couldn't help but smile a little. I gently grabbed his hand and took the flannel away from him. I added some shower gel to it and handed it back to him.

"It might be plan to add soap," I smirked. He blushed and nodded timidly. I could hear John and Alex sniggering from the spare room - I then made up my mind that I was going to kill them. Laff tapped my shoulder and asked if there was anymore ink.

"Nah, you're all good... Actually, I have a way to get them back," I smiled deviously, telling him my plan - breakfast.

"So you mean to say we're going to poison them?" He inquired worriedly. I sniggered and nodded, Laff's eyes widen in horror. "No, we won't be poisoning them, but... Their meal won't exactly be appetising," I smirked and beckoned him towards the kitchen.

By the sounds of it, Alex was asleep and John was watching some Russian Ice Skating, so they wouldn't be up anytime soon. I rummaged through the cupboards looking for ingredients for our 'breakfast'. All of a sudden, there was a huge crash behind me; I whipped around to see Laff on the floor surrounded by a bunch of condiments and numerous other things. I guess the poor guy hadn't realised how full the cupboard would be and an avalanche of mustard bottles had greeted him. He was blushing almost as red as the ketchup on the floor.

"Oh, je suis désolé!" He exclaimed, frantically trying to put the items back. I held my hand out for him to get up and he blushed even more and took it. Ruffling his hair, I gathered 'the fallen ones' (referring to the sauces on the floor) and shoved them back. In a neat arrangement. Obviously.

"S-so, what will we be using?" He asked resuming his usual smile. Actually, I hadn't thought about what we were going to make... I began to once again rummage through the cupboards until I found it.

"HOLY CHERNOBYL!" I pretty much screeched making Laff jump. He looked at me terrified as I showed him what I had found. Right at the back of the cereal cupboard was something I had bought when I had first moved into the apartment: three years ago. Being careful not to get my face too close to it, I placed it on the side.

Smol Fry | Hercules X LafayetteWhere stories live. Discover now