C h a p t e r E i g h t

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"TRUTH OR DARE!" Peggy yelled.

I had just decided to ask them what they wanted to do - man, I regretted my existence. Everyone had made up their minds that they wanted to play truth or dare as if they were 10-year-olds. I sighed, watching them all get into a circle on my floor, grinning at me. I looked at Laff, then at the circle, then back at him. He nodded, slightly unsure of what to do - whether to cave in to peer pressure or to stand up for himself. In the end, we joined the circle, the others winning our company.

I was sat next to Laff, Laff next to Alex, Alex next to John, John next to Jefferson, Jefferson next to Madison, Madison next to Angelica, Angelica next to Eliza, Eliza next to Peggy and Peggy next to me. {That was confusing writing that.} John claimed the first turn. Peggy smiled deviously asking the menacing question with a reply of 'truth'. Her face dropped as it appeared he decided to wuss out and go truth.

"Kiss, marry and kill out of Alex, Hercules and me."

John looked thoughtful for a moment, "Kiss Hercules, Marry Alex and sorry Pegz you're gonna have to go!"
She rolled her eyes at him as I gagged at the thought of John actually kissing me. We were going clockwise, so it was Jefferson's go next; he decided to choose dare. Everyone looked at me to give him a dare, sighing I began to think of possible things to dare him to do. It could be something to do with Madison, but the poor guy was having a coughing fit so I thought it would be best to leave him out. Then it hit me.

"You know that macaroni you brought?" I began, smirking. He nodded slowly, "I'm gonna blend it with whatever I can find in the kitchen and you have to drink it!"

He look disgusted as I ran into the kitchen grabbing the pasta. Not bothering to cook it, I began rummaging through the cupboard. It was a shame I threw those Reeses Puffs away. Right at the back of my cupboard was some Nutella and also some chilli sauce. I've heard that chilli and chocolate go together, but I doubted whether that would be the case with macaroni cheese. Meh. Shrugging, I spooned some of that in there and began to blend it. Terrifyingly, it turned a weird brownish colour when I poured it into a glass.

Carefully, trying not to spill any on my floor, I handed it to Thomas. His face wrinkled in disgust as he brought the glass close towards his face. Reluctantly, he opened his mouth and began to drink whatever substance I had created. I'm pretty sure I saw a tear roll down his cheek.


I looked at the empty glass in surprise, placing it on the table. It was Madison's turn - of course he chose a truth. Eliza was the one to ask him something, "In your opinion, who's your role model?" Eliza was too nice really, she couldn't ask something that could upset someone because then she'd get upset as well. Madison coughed something in response, and I'm pretty sure nobody heard except Thomas because he was blushing slightly.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that," she smiled patiently.

"T-Thomas..." He coughed going redder than the role model himself. A few of us chuckled as we moved on to Angelica. She confidently chose a dare.

"Go outside and shout a really random song," Alex said smirking. He and I both knew how easily-agitated our neighbours were. She nodded, opened the door and stood outside of the apartment. God, the song she sung was definitely random to say the least.


"Okay that's enough," Alex called, cringing slightly. I wondered where the hell she had heard that song before. Laughing, Eliza picked truth, we asked her who she was crushing on, she answered Maria Reynolds. Then it was Peggy. Half not listening, she also picked truth and it turns out she failed her art exam in High School because she used a 3b pencil instead of a 4b pencil. And then it was my turn. Everyone was smirking at me menacingly. Probably going to regret my life decisions, I picked Dare.

Smol Fry | Hercules X LafayetteWhere stories live. Discover now