C h a p t e r S e v e n

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{Leaked images of mine and Zodiaite 's time at Starbucks}

Alex's POV

Silence. It wasn't like us to be silent. But the whole apartment was somewhat cursed by an atmosphere of it. Ever since Lafayette had gone into the bathroom this morning, we haven't engaged conversation with each other. Herc was at the table sketching something, Lafayette was reading 'The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe' and John was sprawled across the sofa in front of Herc's Fireplace. The council must really trust him to own one of those...

But more to the point, it was too awkward. I walked over to John beckoning him to come into the spare room with me. He followed, turning on the TV in the living room.

"We need to break the tension," we said in unison as I closed the door.

"Great minds think alike," I smirked sitting on the bed. John sat beside me, him too devising a plan. Yes, our plans didn't always work but oh well. We needed some sort of group activity. Something sociable... John's eyes suddenly lit up - he had an idea.

John's POV

I sat beside Alex on the bed. We needed a plan... That would work. I tried to think back to when I needed to break the ice between someone. All I could remember was third grade when I won a game of rock, paper, scissors against this guy called Viktor. He was really upset so I offered to have a sleepover with him. Smooth, I know. We watched Ice-skating the whole night... That would certainly break the ice. I chuckled at my own comedy genius and then I realised the solution.

A slumber party!

Yes, I know it sounds like something 9-year old girls would be excited by, but you're never too old to have a sleepover. It then occurred to me that we all shared an apartment ever since mine and Alex's had got flooded. Crap. Then again, we could invite people over. It then occurred to me I also didn't have any other friends. Crap.

"What're you thinking John?" Alex asked me curiously.


"But there's nobody to invit-"

"JEFFERSON AND MADISON!" I screeched. Alex shook his head, thinking I was joking. I wasn't joking. Alex shook his head, more serious this time. I looked at him with puppy-dog eyes but he continued to refuse. I raised my eyebrows with a 'why?' look on my face.

"Because I don't really get on amazingly with Jefferson and Madison is always sick..." He replied plainly. They were the only people, apart from Laff and Herc, who Alex could possibly stand a chance at not arguing with. Thank God him and Jefferson were 'civil' at the least, things were pretty heated back towards the end of High School. I sighed. Maybe if we had a sleepover, Jefferson and Alex might actually get along.

"Oh I know!" I exclaimed, Al looking at me, "The Schuyler Sisters!"

He appeared to be thinking of all of the possible endings to what would happen if we invited them. He nodded slowly, probably adding them to the 'maybe' list in his head. WE DIDN'T KNOW ANYONE ELSE! Nobody really made an effort to speak to us apart from Angelica, Eliza and Peggy.

"How about them?" I pleaded, we needed someone.

"Well, Herc won't get triggered if they turn up, and they don't hate us... Yeah ok then. But I'm texting them, it sounds creepy when you invite people to places." He replied, smiling. YES! Peer-pressure had paid off! I tackled him into a hug and then realised we needed snacks. I wasn't going to offer them 3-year-old Reeses Puffs so we needed to go to the shop. Alex and I quickly got changed and headed to Walmart. Halfway there, I mentally slapped myself for not setting up a secret camera to spy on the two star-crossed lovers whilst we were gone.

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