Blissful Silence

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"Niiiick!" I groaned, trying to free myself from Nick's long legs which had somehow tangled themselves in mine as we slept. "Nick, I have to pee!"

Nick giggled, but kept his eyes shut. "You're gonna wake up Jules."

"I'm gonna pee myself!" I yelped.

"Well that's no good, is it?" Julian's husky morning voice interrupted.

I sighed. "Morning, Jules. Get this lunatic off of me!"

Julian groaned, turned over to face us. "Call Fabbie in or something."

"You suck." I said, sitting up. "Well, desperate times call for desperate measures." I smiled wickedly, before digging my nails into Nick's legs. Nick yelped and pulled them away. I got out of bed with a satisfied smile as Julian laughed and I walked out and into the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and hair and walked back into my room. I leant against the door frame with my arms crossed and raised an eyebrow at the sight of everyone now gathered in my room, piled onto the bed.

"So, what's the verdict?" I asked, gathering their attention.

"We have a record deal, baby!" Albert called out with a huge grin. It was the happiest I'd seen him in weeks. All the guys started going crazy, cheering and hugging each other. Fab pulled me into the mess of tangled bodies and we all laughed.

"You're all gonna be famous!" I cheered, kissing them all aggressively on the cheek.

Fab nodded eagerly as he wiped my saliva off his cheek. "He's already working on booking us some gigs!"

"This is so fucking great!" I cried.

"We have to celebrate somehow." said Nick with a smirk.

"No drink and drugs." I elbowed him.

Nick rolled his eyes and fell back down onto the bed.

"Anyways," Julian started. "...we've gotta put together a good setlist. Think you could help us, Jade?"

"Why me? You guys are in the freakin' band!" I said with crossed arms.

"Because we value your opinion." he replied.

I mumbled to myself, looking off in another direction. "Doesn't seem that way sometimes."


"I said I'd love to help!" I forced a smile.

Julian looked at me with a sour expression as everyone got up and left to make breakfast. I got up to leave too, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back onto the bed.

"What?!" I snapped.

"Did I do something?"

"Yeah...but I'm still not sure if I should let it bother me or not."

"Go on..."

"When you were really wasted the other night you tried to kiss me. I'd just like to know what you were thinking before and while you did it." I explained with a blank face. "Wait, why am I even bothering? You probably don't even remember..."

Julian sat with his hands clasped together looking as if he were in deep thought. His eyebrows were knitted together and his lips were pursed.

I sighed frustratingly. "Well?"

"I'd like to explain, Jade...I really would." He looked up at me with a worried look in his tired eyes. "But now isn't the right time...and it'd only fuck things up."

"W-What? Explain what?"

"Forget it." he said with a soft smile. "Let's go see what's for breakfast, yeah?"

I followed him out into the living room with a scowl, but I quickly decided not to let it get me down because the band just got signed. How dare I be boring and grumpy when something like that has happened!

I put on my best smile and joined the guys in the kitchen. There was a lineup for the cereal and lots of commotion. I pushed past the group with a smirk and snatched the box, dipping past Julian, who was tapping off his cigarette in an ashtray.

"Hey! Back of the line, pal!" Nick whined.

"My home, my cereal." I said as I poured it into a bowl.

Albert grabbed the box off me to pour his own. "Our home, our cereal."

I elbowed him with a smile. "Whatever." I said, whizzing over to the fridge to use the milk before Albert could. I then made myself comfortable on the couch and smiled as Fab approached.

"Wanna come see Ryan with us today?" he asked, setting his bowl down on the coffee table. "He wants to get to know us a little better."

"Thanks for the offer, but I think I'm gonna stay in and practise my guitar."

"I'll help with that!" Julian piped up.

" are the lead singer in this fucking band. You're going to see Ryan." I said with a stern tone.

He walked over to us with a cheesy grin. "Make me."

"Whatever. You wanna choose to not take this seriously? Not my problem. Be my guest." I looked away as I took a bite of cereal.

"It's one outing!" he said. "He saw me yesterday. It'll be fine."

"Idiot." Albert said from the kitchen. Nick laughed, agreeing with him.

"Looks like it's just me and you today, Jade-y!" Julian grinned once again.

"No." I shook my head, fighting back a smile. "It's just me and my guitar."

Julian pouted and snatched the TV remote off of me.

I wasn't too sure if I wanted to be left alone with him all day after our minuscule ordeal earlier, but I chose to shrug it off, which was probably for the best.

Once all the guys had finished their breakfast, Albert got dressed and they headed out, leaving Julian and I to sit in silence. It was a comfortable silence, though. I didn't feel like anything had or needed to be said, so I just sat contently glancing over at Julian every few minutes. I noticed that he looked so, the color was back in his cheeks and they weren't as bony as before. Whenever something stupid happened on the show we were watching, he'd do this thing where he laughs through his nose with an adorable smile that barely shows his teeth. My stomach did a summersault and I'm pretty sure my face went beet-red when he caught me staring at him. I quickly looked away and started picking at my fingernails. I was glad he reverted his gaze to the TV without saying anything as we went back to our blissful silence.

Somehow the silence seemed to connect us in a way that words never really could. It was quite strange, because one of us usually always had something to say, whether it be a snarky comment and/or insult or just starting a friendly conversation.

I looked over once more and couldn't help but to stare at his plump lips as he ran his tongue across them every few minutes or so. I traced a finger over mine and took a shaky breath in, remembering they had connected with his so many times in the past. I bashfully smiled at the thought and looked away.

Oh, I falling for Julian Casablancas again?

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