Living With a Shackle

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I'm gonna do something with this story that I've never done with any other of my other ones. A schedule. New chapters will be posted every SATURDAY. So, check back on that day! 

"Its' always good to listen to both sides of a disagreement," Stoick explained.

"Mhm," Hiccup agreed.

"A good Chief must always be able to settle a fight no matter what started it," Stiock added. He waited for Hiccup to respond, but when there was no responce Stoick turned to see that Hiccup wasn't paying attention at all.

Hiccup watched as Astrid flew over the homes of the Berkians with a net full of freshly caught fish. Stormy sat the net down carefully in front of the Food Storage. Gobber and a few other men began to bring the fish inside.

Astrid patted Stormy, thanking him for a job well done. It was at this moment that she noticed Hiccup. Astrid gave a small wave of hello and smiled before her dragon took off to get another net. Hiccup smiled. Just seeing her made him feel better.

"It's best if you make your move soon Hiccup," Stoick patted his sons shoulder then started for the Forge.

"W-What?" Hiccup snapped back into reality, "No. I don't...I mean...It's only been two months."

"The incident with Bard and Agrippa shouldn't stop you," Stoick stepped into the Forge, "Besides, your twenty-three years old Hiccup. Your not getting any younger and neither am I."

"Yeah...but...What if I'm not ready...for both of them?" a certain thing popped into Hiccups head.

Stoick stopped then turned to face Hiccup. He walked over to him and placed a hand on both shoulders, "Hiccup. I know that living with your condition is hard, but you can't keep hiding behind it or dragons for the rest of your life. I'm not going to be Chief for forever. And, who knows, Astrid may just feel the same way about you. Now, why don't you go clear your head."

"Okay," Hiccup sighed. He turned and called for Toothless. The big black dragon bounced his way over, nearly knocking over a few people on the way. Hiccup climbed on to Toothless' back and the two friends took off into the bright, blue sky.


'We've been flying all day,' Toothless pointed out.

"I know," Hiccup laid back, right between the wing bones, "You know I like being up here. What? Are you tired?"

'Tired? Me? Ha, I can fly all day and night!' Toothless boasted, 'It's just-'

"Just what?"

'Ever since the thing with Agrippa you've been distant,' Toothless glided in and out clouds, 'I did overhear what your father said, not all of it, but I do agree with him.'

Hiccup sighed, "I know. He is right. I just-I'm scared."

'Of snapping?'

"Yeah," Hiccup pulled himself up, "I've snapped at Astrid. I've done my best to control it, but...what if I...I don't feel ready to be Chief. Besides, those speeches, planning, running the village that's his thing!"

'I think your missing the point,' Toothless glanced at his friend, 'I wanna say that I know how you feel, but...well.'

Hiccup smiled a bit, "I know. I'm glad that I can talk about this to you."

'Yeah,' Toothless gave a slight yawn, 'Why don't we head back?'

"Sounds good." They did a u-turn and flew back to Berk.


Hiccup was alone. Dense fog covered everything around him. The sound of creaking wood and moving water told him that he was on a boat. "Guys?" he called out, "Guys where are you!?"


"Toothless!" Hiccup spun around; fully expecting to see his best friend running to him. But, instead, a large silhouette loomed over him. Hiccup fell back, stunned. "Get away!" he ordered the shadow, "Stay back!"

The silhouette laughed. "You. Ordering me!" it chuckled.

Hiccup stumbled to his feet and drew Inferno. "That voice," Hiccup could feel his breathing become harder, "Impossible! Agrippa your dead!"

The silhouette laughed again, "That's what you think!" Hiccup didn't see much, but it was obvious that the silhouette was tall and muscular. As the silhouette laughed again thick dreadlocks flew up and over the right shoulder.

"Whoever you are," Hiccup readied Inferno, "I-I'm not scared of you!"

"You will be," the silhouette rose its arm up high, a bullhook in hand. Suddenly, the silhouette began to scream and wildly wave around the bullhook. At that moment, the boat started to shake violently. The roar of a Bewilderbeast pierced through the air.

"It's just a silhouette," Hiccup told himself, "It's not a real person..." Readying Inferno, Hiccup prepared for an attack. But, out of no where, panic set in and he found himself lunging at the silhouette with full intentions to kill.

Hiccup jumped awake, and nearly out of his bed. He was in his room. his heart was beating fast and sweat fell down his face.

'Hiccup, ' Toothless looked to his friend from his stone bed, 'Are you okay? What's wrong?'

"Uh...n-nothing," Hiccup took a second to calm down, "Just a bad dream."

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