Toothless, Meet Raven

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The Meatheads cheered as the prisoners were freed. The dragons quickly returned to their Riders and or homes."Cloudjumper!" Valka hugged her dragon.

"Stiker!" Kari grinned from ear to ear. Every trained dragon either hugged or tackled their Riders.

Astrid hugged her dragon, but there was someone else she was more happy to see. After releasing Stormy from her hug Astrid bolted through the growing crowd until she got to him. "Hiccup!"

Hiccup spun around, "Astrid!" Before he could say more she tackled him with a hug; nearly knocking him off of his feet. "Whoa, Astrid," Hiccup chuckled, "I never thought that you were one to give bear hugs."

Astrid quickly released him, a bit embarrassed. She smiled nervously at him.

"Hiccup!" Fishlegs shouted with joy as he and the others ran over.

"Guys!" Hiccup turned to them, "Are you okay?"

"Fine because of you!" Valka hugged her son, thankful to still have them. She looked at him, "How are you alive?"

"Uh, well," Hiccup began, "I have-"

'Us to thank.'

They turned to see five Night Furies land near them. Upon landing Silver bucked Eret off of him.

Valka turned back to her son, "How did you find Night Furies!?"

"I didn't," Hiccup explained, "They found me. Well, Raven did."


'That's me,' she stepped forward.

Toothless instantly perked up, bewitched by her beauty.

Hiccup chuckled, "Toothless. This is Raven. She's the one that you've been communicating with."

Raven smiled at Toothless shyly, 'Hello.'

'Uh...hi,' Toothless stepped closer to her.

"I think someone is in loooove!" Tuffnut elbowed Hiccups side. Hiccup just rolled his eyes at the comment.

"Why are some of their eyes blue?" Snotlout asked.

"The females have blue eyes, "Eret explained, "While the males have green."

"Hey! Your that Hunter that imprisoned us!" Kari accused.

"Yes but," Hiccup defended, "He's a changed a man. Eret was the one who told me about the Scuttleclaw babies."

"Scuttleclaw?" Fishlegs questioned.

'That's us!' a red baby shrieked. The babies flew around them, squawking and chirping.

Fishlegs gasped, "I've never seen dragons like this before! I need to get a pencil and paper quick!"

Everyone just chuckled at Fishlegs' enthusiasm.

Valka turned to her son, "Hiccup. What you did was insane. You could have so easily died."

"It wasn't my idea," Hiccup shook his head, "Actually, it was Erets idea."

"I didn't tell you to train the Alpha!" Eret protested.

'I am the Alpha no more,' the Bewilderbeast told them.

"What?" Valka looked up at the dragon, "Then who?"

'Me,' Toothless turned his attention to them for only a second.

"Toothless?" Valka didn't follow, "But how?"

Hiccup smiled, "Look. I'd love to explain, but the more we waste time here is less time rebuilding Berk. Come on guys!" Hiccup jumped onto Toothless' back, "Come on bud. Let's show them how fast you can go!"

Toothless crooned in agreement. He looked at Raven; who smiled sweety at him. Toothless then took off into the air. Followed by the other Night Furies.

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