Angry Mother

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I find it ironic that I get to this chapter at this time. My life-long family friend just became a dad last Wednesday. Her name is Manessa Grace (probably spelled wrong since it's a bible name). 


Hiccup had decided to not pressure Stoick about what he was hiding. He didn't have time to anyways. For the past few days the number of dragons that lived in the nearby islands have dropped. Nobody knew why and the dragons that were still sticking around weren't saying much.  Hiccup and the other Dragon Riders decided to stake out a nearby island and follow any dragon that leaves in the middle of the night. They would follow the dragon and, hopefully, find out what was making them leave.

"Well, I know one thing," Hiccup whispered to the other Riders as he watched the two wild Deadly Nadders below them, "These dragons are very uneasy about something." The Riders watched as the Nadders below stomped around; the spines on their tails were up. The dragons didn't speak, but made loud hisses, grunts, and growls. "Have any idea on what would make them so upset?" Hiccup asked Astrid and Andres.

The two Deadly Nadder experts studied the pair below. "Hmm...It might be a territorial fight or they might be fighting for a female," Andres suggested.

"No, no. The one on the left is definitely a female. They might be a breeding pair and something might have happened to their baby," Astrid assumed.

"Well neither of those explain why an Archipelago of dragons have suddenly started fleeing their homes," Fishlegs sat back on his butt, his back was sore from watching the same two dragons for an hour.

"Toothless, do you know what's up?" Hiccup asked. He looked back to his dragon, but the Night Fury didn't hear him. The dragon was sniffing the ground and his ears were perked up; as if he was trying to hear something only he could hear. After Hiccup picked Toothless up from the Cove the dragon finally told him about the rumble he heard. Hiccup never heard a rumble when Toothless started freaking out so when Hiccup asked Toothless to describe it Toothless only said that it was "sweet". All Hiccup could do was sigh and wonder what Toothless meant.

"Something's happening," Snotlout brought Hiccups attention back to the Nadders. The Riders watched as the Nadder on the left suddenly started to roar loudly at the other one. It stomped it's feet before spinning around and smacking the other Nadder with it's tail. The other Nadder, meanwhile, backed up and lowered their head.

'How could you!?' the angry Nadder finally spoke.

'I'm sorry,' the other Nadder apologized while looking down, 'I don't know what happened.'

"It is a breeding pair," Astrid confirmed, "Their must be Dragon Hunters around here."

"Really? After the incident with you two," Snotlout pointed to Hiccup and Astrid, "Dragon Hunters have been to scared to hunt anywhere near Berk after that. Their baby might of just wondered off."

"We should try to find it," Hiccup suggested.

"Can we start tomorrow morning?" Fishlegs asked, "Both my back and neck are really sore."

"I can fix that for you," Tuffnut offered.

" remembered what happened last time you gave someone a massage?" Ruffnut reminded her brother.

"Hey, it's wasn't my fault, "Tuffnut defended himself, "He never told me that he had old, weak bones."

"Guys, focus!" Kari huffed.

Suddenly, the female Deadly Nadder roared out; catching the Riders off guard. She flapped her wings and rose up into the air. Then she growled and released her fire at her mate. The male Nadder dodged the flames and flew away.

"Okay I know that her baby is missing, but that is a bit much," Hiccup stood up; intending to calm her down. But before he could jump down she took off into the night sky. She flew just above the tree lines of the forest. The Nadder roared out and looked from side to side; hoping to spot her baby. Then she roared out and set a tree on fire.

Hiccup rushed over and climbed onto Toothless. The two then took off after the dragon.

"Is he really going after that dragon? This has nothing to do with us," Fishlegs watched as Hiccup and Toothless disappeared into the sky.

"It's Hiccup," Astrid reminded her friend, "Of course he is."

The other Dragon Riders hopped onto their dragons and followed Hiccup as he chased the angry mother.

How to Train Your Dragon: MistakeWhere stories live. Discover now