The First Shot

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Dragos fleet had reached Meathead Island within three hours. Within twenty minutes most of the village was destroyed by the Alphas ice. Dragons or no dragons the Meathead wouldn't give up so easily. Dragos Alpha roared as he crushed a house with his massive paws.

"What happened to Hiccup?" one of the Meatheads asked.

"I don't know," Mogadon the Meathead, the Meathead Chief, took cover as the wood from the house flew through the air, "But we can't give up!"

Drago stood on top of his Bewilderbeast; his bullhook raise high and a mad-man laugh in his throat. "Crush them!" he ordered the Alpha.

Dragos crewmen, meanwhile, fired from the warships. They launched nets, arrows, and boulders. But none of that did has much damage as the Alpha did.

The Alpha moaned and groaned, tired from the constant battles. "Attack!" Drago paid no heed to his dragons exhaustion.

"Why are you bringing us up?" Astrid asked a crewman.

"Drago wants you all to watch," the man explained, "He hopes to break your spirits even more!"

The Riders were force to stand watch as the Meathead village turn to ruins. The Alpha moaned as he swung his tusks back and forth, not really hitting anything.

"Astrid! Did you hear that!?" Fishlegs gasped.

"Hear what?"

"The Alpha," Fishlegs looked up at him, "He sounds really tired."

"Shut your trap!" one of the crewmen twisted Fishlegs arms; making him be silent.

Astrid watched the Alpha. He does seem tired, She thought, looks like he shaking his head no. As if he doesn't want to do this anymore and go rest.

The Alpha stepped back a bit; to tired to release more ice. But then, something caught his attention. More likely, he sensed some resistance. The Alpha turned his head.

"What are you doing!?"' Drago waved his bullhook. But then he saw them.

"Dragon Rider!" one of Dragos crewmen shouted.

The Riders quickly turned to where the man was pointing, which was out to sea. "HICCUP!" Astrids heart leaped with joy.

"I don't believe it.." Valka cried, "He's alive!" They watched as Hiccup flew solo towards them on a purple dragon.

The only one not happy about this was Drago. "Ugh!" he groaned, "Let me down!" The Alpha slowly placed his tusks on the ground. Drago slid down and landed on the ground. "Bring it here!" he shouted to his men.

"No..." Hiccups heart sank when they lowered a plank down from the closest ship. A rehypnotized Toothless walked across the plank and to Drago. Hiccup held back his anger and Drago ordered Toothless to bow so he could get on. Toothless did and Drago was on his back. Toothless then turned and flew over to Hiccup.

"You can stop flying forward now," Hiccup told Scatter, the purple baby Scuttleclaw.

'Okay,' Scatter stopped instantly.

Hiccup took a deep breath. "I hope this works," Hiccup said to himself, "Eret, this is your idea..."

'Obey me,' the Alpha commanded Scatter.

'O...bey?' Scatter cocked his head in confusion, 'My mommy never told me what that word means.' The Alpha could only growl in annoyance.

"I don't know how," Drago groaned in equal annoyance, "But you sure are hard to get rid of!"

Hiccup ignored Drago, "Toothless? Bud? It's me. I'm right here. Come back to me."

Drago chuckled, "He's not yours anymore. He now belongs to the Alpha! There is nothing you can do."

"You don't know that," Hiccup glared at Drago.

Drago laughed at the threat. He raised his bullhook, ready to command the Alpha.

"Now!" Hiccup shouted, "Scatter! Fire!"

Scatter surprisingly snapped into action. He tilted his head up and fired a green colored flame, it blinded Drago. Hiccup took the chance and snatched Dragos bullhook. But before he could do anything Drago, enraged, reached out and grabbed Hiccup by his throat. "How dare you!?" Then, with fury, he threw Hiccup off of Scatter.

Hiccup instinctively opened up his Flight Suit, but was surprised to see that it had somehow ripped. Hiccup screamed as he plummeted to the sea water.

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