A Scaly Love Expert?

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Hiccup awoke with a yawn early the next morning. For a split second he wondered why it was so quiet. Then he remembered; Toothless was in the Cove. Hiccup stretched out his arms and sat up on his knees in bed. He looked to the large window directly above him; it was still dark out. Hiccup had become so accustomed to being awoken before the sun by his scaly friend. He slipped out of bed, still half asleep. Not bothering to see if his parents were still sleeping Hiccup walked down the stairs and out the door. Hiccup stood at the door to stretch again. As he did he looked out towards the still sleeping village-minus the dragons. Hiccup smiled, he loved this time of day. Just him. No Snotlout, no twins, to trouble causing dragon. Usually this moment was shared with Toothless way up in the air at impossible speeds.

'Morning Hiccup.'

Hiccup turned and saw a sleepy Cloudjumper exiting his barn.

"Hey Cloudjumper," Hiccup walked over and patted the large dragon.

'Going to get Toothless?' Cloudjumper yawned.

"Yeah," began his walk towards the forest, "I hope that he's gotten over whatever was wrong with him. Stormy said that it might be a female Night Fury. Do you think so?"

'Hmm,' Cloudjumper joined Hiccup on his walk, 'Every dragon species courts and mates differently. For example, the males of my species try to bring good food to the female and fight other males that try to butt in. Though, since Night Furies are so rare I doubt that anybody would know their style of courting other than a Night Fury itself.'

"Well Toothless wouldn't say a thing while he was freaking out," Hiccup sighed, "I don't even know if it another Night Fury that made him go nuts."

'You just hope?' Cloudjumper assumed as the two approached a Dragon Feeding Station that sat near the edge of the forest. The smell of the piles of fish swam up to Cloudjumpers nose and made the dragon hungry.

"All I can do is hope," Hiccup reached into the Feeding Station. He pulled out a Salmon and tossed it to Cloudjumper, who ate it immedietly. "I know that this hasn't been proven true, but...what if the Night Fury species isn't rare? What if they're near extinction? I want to do anything I can to help out!"

'Of course,' Cloudjumper agreed, 'The Night Fury is one of the only dragon species that is apart of the "Alpha Species". It would be a shame to loose them. But...enough about that. What about you?'

"What about me?"

'You. Astrid. When are you two going to start courting?'

Hiccup felt his legs nearly buckle, "What? I-I-I don't know what your talking about!"

Cloudjumper reached forward and snatched another fish from the Feeding Station. He swallowed it in one gulp, 'You humans aren't that subtle about your attraction to the opposite sex. Your face is red Hiccup.' He bent down and grabbed another fish, 'It'd be good to try before another male comes along.'

"I'm going to go get Toothless," Hiccup, embarrassed beyond belief, stomped off towards the Cove.

Cloudjumper watched as Hiccup walked quickly away. Then he turned to continue to eat when he was saw someone walking up, it was Stoick. 'Morning Chief!'

"Good morning Cloudjumper," Stoick walked up and patted the dragons head, "Uh...what's with him?"

Cloudjumper looked back just as Hiccup disappeared into the forest, 'Uh...touchy subject. Humans are so weird sometimes. But, why are you up so early? You usually get up with the sun.'

"Ah, yes. About that. I was just wanting Thornado to know, but I guess that I can tell you too. Just...keep it to yourself. Not even Valka must know."


Hiccup walked through the forest; his mind still on what Cloudjumper said. "No need to rush things," Hiccup mumbled to himself. He pushed aside a branch when he remembered something important, "Oh, right. I have to fly in." Hiccup turned and walked back to the village. Hiccup was near the edge of the forest when he saw his father with Cloudjumper. "Oh, why is he up so early?"

'Are you sure that you want to keep that from him?' Hiccup heard Cloudjumper ask, 'Isn't that something you'd want to prevent?'

"I'm fully aware of what it was trying to tel me," Stoick reassured Cloudjumper.

'What about Valka? She has a right to know.'

"Yes...well...I'll think about it," Stoick patted Cloudjumpers head and walked off.

'You better know what your doing,' Cloudjumper huffed. He turned around to continue eating but nearly jumped when he saw Hiccup sanding there, 'Oh! Good lords Hiccup your as quiet as your dragon. Didn't you just leave to go get him?'

"I forgot that I need a dragon to fly in. What were you and my dad just talking about? What does he need to prevent?"

'Just...Chief stuff. I don't mind flying you into Cove.' The dragon positioned himself so Hiccup could climb on.

"Why is he unsure about telling my mom? Is something going to happen!?"

'No, nothing. Trust me. It's nothing. Come on let's got get Toothless.' Cloudjumper nudged Hiccup closer to him, urging him to get on.

Hiccup climbed onto Cloudjumper. He held on as the big dragon took off into the air. Hiccup looked back to where Stoick had walked of to. Just what are you keeping from me? And why?

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