Danger From the North

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  The wind was strong and icy cold. Angry waves crashed against each other violently. The Dragon Hunter, Eret, Son of Eret, struggled to keep his ship from flipping over. "Keep those sails open!" he yelled to his crew, "If we don't get this shipment of dragons to Drago he'll have our heads!". 

  His men grunted as they worked. Some pulled ropes that were connected to the sails in an attempt to keep them open; just as Eert has ordered. Others were running around the deck trying to prevent anything that fell from knocking into a fellow crew member. Amoung the crashing thunder and raging wind the roars and grunts of dragons could slightly be heard from below deck. The captured beasts demanded their freedom; this storm was nothing to them. The Dragon Hunters ignored the cries and continued to work. Eret shielded his eyes from the rain as he tried to look ahead. He couldn't see much, but his many days at sea told him that they were going in the right direction. Although secretly Eret feared the mad man and did not want to dock in his camp he knew that he had to get his men out of the storm. "We're almost there!" he shouted to reassure his men, "Just a little more!". 

'Release us!' one of the dragons cried out. But it fell on deaf ears as the Hunters did not understand them. The dragons arranged from big to small, from two legged to four legged, and all were as colorful as a rainbow. The Hunters had captured these many different dragons from the nearby islands. However, Eret dared to not trap dragons near the island of Berk. The day that the mighty Alpha and his dragon army attacked his fort was left burned in his memory forever. But there was one thing that he would never forget above anything else; the Bewilderbeast. Eret remembered overhearing some of men talk about how there was rouge Dragon Rider who had a white Bewilderbeast by their side as they attacked Dragon Hunting forts and ships.He was sure that the Bewilderbeast that attacked his fort was that same one he heard about. Eret was unsure on if he should tell Drago or not. Soon the entrance to the camp was in site and Eret, although nervous beyond belief, was thankful to finally get out of the storm.


"Right then, let's get these dragons to Drago. The sooner we do this, the sooner we can get out of this storm," Eret said as some of his men began to unloading their angry batch of dragons. He grimaced at the sight of how many they were able to catch since that Bewilderbeast showed up out of nowhere and released their captured dragons. How was he suppose to explain to his boss about loosing those dragons? I'll just say that business was a little slow around this time, He thought to himself. After all around this time it's quite difficult to capture any dragons since some were migrating to islands to prepare to lay their eggs.

"Alright, let me do the talking and keep your mouths shut," He instructed the crew as they were getting close, "If anyone asks why we are low with this batch don't answer them or say business was slow."

"I don't think lying to the boss will do us any good, remember what happened the last time?" one crewmember asked, "Drago doesn't take well to excuses, especially if they were lies."

"It's a half truth," Eret pointed out, "Now shut up before I make you swim back to the fort!"

The men heaved and pushed the drugged but snarling dragons into carts and tied them up the best they could. Eret stared worryingly at the batch. They had plenty of Deadly Nadders, Monstrous Nightmares, and some Gronckles, but Drago had always demanded more "exotic" dragons. Eret once toyed with the idea of capturing a Death Song and using it's call to lure in dragons, but, after many failed attempts to capture one the idea was scrapped.

Slowly his ship sailed past the massive icy walls that formed an entrance. Then they came upon an army size group of ships. All of the ships dwarfed Erets ship and were just as terrifying looking as any dragon. He could hear the rumbling sound of massive bubbles rising to the surface and popping somewhere is the middle of all the ships. Eret immediately rubbed the left side of his chest; the memory of what happened last time he failed to bring in dragons instantly surfaced to the front his mind.

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