The Alpha's Command

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Drago stared a Hiccup and Valka with a devilish grin; he was victorious. Then he eyed Hiccup. "So, this is the great Dragon Master?" he chuckled, "Might I say that the rumors were a little...exaggerated."

Hiccup didn't respond. He had never met someone like this; now he understood why the wild dragons fled. Finally, Hiccup spoke, "Why? What's your purpose for doing this? To...rule the world?"

"Well...what's so wrong with that?" Drago asked with an evil look in his eyes. He took a few steps forward.

"You stay away from him Drago!" Valka demanded.

Drago chuckled at the weak threat, "Oh? And how would you stop me?"

Hiccup then turned his attention to Toothless. The Night Fury grunted and groaned. "Toothless?" Hiccup reached out to his dragon, but the Night Fury suddenly jumped back, teeth bared. "Toothless what's wrong?"

Drago chuckled, "How pathetic. A real Dragon Master would understand the severity of the situation."

Hiccup glared at Drago, "For your information I don't call myself a Dragon Master; other people do."

"Well Dragon Master, " Drago raised his Bullhook into the air, "Let me tell you. No dragon can resist the Alpha's command. So he who controls the Alpha controls them all." Then Drago pointed his Bullhook at Toothless.

Dragos Alpha stopped in front of them. He glared down at Toothless. The burr-like spikes on his face began to vibrate and buzzing sound filled the air around them. 'Obey me,' the Alpha commanded. His eyes fluctuated from doicile to slit.

Suddenly Toothless screeched, as if he had be stabbed. His eyes were shut tight as he flung his body around. Toothless rubbed his head against the ground. Hiccup just stood watching; u sure of hat he could do. And then Toothless halted. When he opened his eyes Hiccup gasped. Toothless' eyes were glazed over. His pupils we're slit in a way that Hiccup had never seen before. Toothless' ears vibrated in unison with the buzzing sound that the Alpha produced.

"And in the face of it," Drago brought Hiccups and Valkas attention back to him, "you...are...nothing." Then he pointed his Bullhook at them.

'Kill them,' Dragos Alpha commanded.

Obediently, Toothless turned towards Hiccup and Valkas, teeth bared. He slowly stalked them. Hiccup put out a hand, "Toothless, stop. This isn't funny."

Toothless' ignored him and continued towards them. Hiccup heard the all too familiar inhale of cold air and saw the dim purple light at the back on Toothless' throat.

Hiccup bumped up against the wall of a destroyed building and it was then that Hiccup had realized that both his mother and him had been backing up. Then Hiccup heard the whistle that he had come to enjoy hearing. Toothless stopped his stalking and readied himself to fire. And then Toothless released his Plasma Blast.

Suddenly Valka felt herself get shoved aside roughly. The Plasma Blast exploded as it made contact behind her. Valka quickly jumped to her feet; her heart was racing and her motherly instincts were freaking out at the max level. Hiccup had pushed her out of way...

She stood there, to stunned to move. All she could do was to wait for the smoke to settle.

"A fitting end for useless life," Drago smiled.

Valka stared daggers at him; tears stinging her eyes.

Drago chucked. And, as the smoke cleared, he looked to see the corps or the young Berkian Chief. "What!?" he gasped in disbelief.

The smoke cleared to reveal Hiccup on the ground; arms up in an attempt to protect his head and neck. Hiccup was alive! Toothless had...missed!

Once Hiccup had realized that he was still alive he lowered his arms and stared at Toothless disbelief equal to Dragos. "Toothless?"

A low groan escaped Toothless' throat. His glazed, slit eyes started to bounce to docile and back as he backed up a few feet.

'Never...' Toothless groaned, 'I will never...'

'I told to kill them!' Dragos Alpha roared in anger.

Toothless roared out as he spun around circles. Then Toothless bolted forward and crashed into the remains of a building. Shocking everyone Toothless jumped backed up and wacked his head against the wood.

"Toothless!" Hiccup jumped to his feet; Toothless was going to seriously I just himself if he continued. And then, to Hiccups horror, Toothless dropped to the ground; his body limp.

"Ah, I see," Drago smiled. A few of Drago men began to walk up. "Take them!" Drago ordered. His men charged at them. Hiccup and Valka attempted to run, but they were captured quickly. "Don't forget the Night Fury," Drago told his men. The few that didn't capture Hiccup or Valka rushed over to this dragon.

'I will break you Night Fury,' Dragos Alpha promised.

"Load them onto the ships!" Drago shouted, "The Alpha is now ours! It is time to take the rest of this Archipelago!"

"Let go of me!" Hiccup turned to see his friends a d the rest of his village captured. Hiccup turned away, ashamed of himself. He had failed. Not just the Archipelago, but his father as well

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