Mutual Feelings

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The final chapter! Just like last two times I've posted the first chapter of the next story (Change) first before this one! If you've stuck around this long then go check out that one! 


Two days had past since Drago Bludvist had died. The Archipelagp held Hiccup as a hero, but he kept saying that wasn't one. Dragos army was given a second chance to start a new life wherever they could and the Vikings returned to their homes to rebuild. Hiccup scavenged for any smiting tools that survived, which weren't many. Hiccup looked over and watched as Toothless stood up and stretched out his wings. Raven seemed impressed by the length.

"Go on," Kari insisted.

"No," Astrid protested, "He's busy!"

"It's now or never Astrid!" Kari shoved Astrid in Hiccups direction then fled. Astrid stood there, shy. This felt harder than facing off against a dragon. She walked over to Hiccup. Astrid opened her mouth to speak but then saw Toothless and Raven, "Uh...what are they doing?"

"It's a part of the courting dance, "Hiccup explained without turning around.

"Oh," Astrid felt confused, "But...Toothless is the Alpha. Isn't that a good enough reason?"

Hiccup shrugged, "Instinctive?" He picked up the remains of a sword.

Astrid stood there; unsure about it. But then she took a deep breath. "Hiccup," she started, "There's...something I want to tell you."

Hiccup looked at her, "What is it?"

"I...uh..."Astrid could barely find the words, "When Drago ordered for your death and they took you whole world ended. I thought that you were dead...and I...couldn't take it. I bawled my eyes out." While saying this Astrid avoided any eye contact.

Hiccup stood up and turned to her, "Astrid," he stepped a bit closer, "I never thought that you'd be the type to cry so easily." Astrid blushed, a bit embarrassed.

Unbeknownst to them both Toothless crept slowly behind Hiccup. He got as close as he could before ramming his head into Hiccups back. Hiccup fell forward, but Astrid caught him. The force of the push knocked Hiccups head forward and his lips met Astrids in an unexpected kiss!

The two quickly stepped back, faces red with embarrassment. "T-Toothless!" Hiccup spun around.

'Stop delaying it you two!' Toothless laughed as he and Raven ran off.

Hiccup and Astrid looked at each other, unsure of what to do.

"I, uh," Astrid smiled, "That's what I came by you that I...really care about you."

"Y-You do?" now it was Hiccups turn to avoid eye contact, "Well, uh, Astrid...I too..." Hiccup looked at Astrid. Her face was smiling with both joy and shyness. Hiccup never thought that Astrid could pull of being shy. Finally feeling ready to move on from his past, Hiccup took both of Astrids hands and leaned in. He gently kissed her and she accepted the kiss.

The End  

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