An Unexpected Turn of Events

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 If you want to hear my voice then go to Youtube. My name on there is the same as here. "Shiny Meditites in one Horde!" is the title of the of my second YT video ever! 

The Night Fury stared down at Hiccup with curious eyes. It crooned and cocked its head to the side; wondering if the noises Hiccup was making said that he was alive.

"I'm up Toothless..." Hiccup groaned, thinking that he was in his bed back on Berk. It took him a moment to notice the blue eyes. "Toothless?" he reached up to touch the dragon.

Startled by the sudden movement the Night Fury bolted out of Hiccup field of vision. Hiccup now started up at the ceiling of a cave.

'What are you so shy for?' a male voice caught Hiccups ear, 'Your the one who rescued him!'

'I know,' a light, sweet, feminine voice responded, 'I thought that he was another Night Fury.'

Such a sweet voice, Hiccup noted. He forced himself up and leaned against a rocky wall; to dazed to noticed the five pairs of eye staring at him. Hiccup groaned as his head cleared some more. "I must be dead," he mumbled, "I mean...I just saw a Night Fury with blue eyes..."

'I hope not,' the same female voice said, 'I would have saved you for no reason then.'

Hiccup looked to see who had spoke and froze. Before him stood a small Night Fury with sky blue eyes. Its head was down low and its wings were up high; the same posture that Toothless had made when he and Hiccup first met face to face in the Cove. Except this ones eyes were not slit. They were wide and docile, curious even. Then Hiccup looked around and saw the four other Night Furies staring at him with slit eyes. "Um...hi..."

'Hello,' the small Night Fury in front of him spoke softly; revealing itself to be the female voice he had just heard. 'Why do you smell like a Night Fury?' she asked.

"Smell?" Hiccup rubbed his aching head, "I, uh, have a Night Fury; he's my best friend. His name is...uh...Toothless." The moment he spoke his dragons name the horrible memories flooded back to him, "Oh no...No! No! No!" Hiccup fell back on his butt; startling the Night Furies.

'What in the world is wrong with you human!?' another one of the Night Furies, a female, growled.

The first female Night Fury slowly walked up to Hiccup. 'What's wrong?' she asked shyly as she said down next to him.

"I failed," he sighed, "I'm a total failure!"

'At...what?' she cocked her head to the right.

"At everything..." Hiccup wiped away the tears, "At being Chief, being an heir, and being the hero!" He felt the sting of tears roll down his face. Surprised by the tears the female Night Fury leaned forward and nuzzled Hiccups cheek. He welcomed her kindness with a hug.

'Don't you dare touch my sister!' one of the male Night Furies roared. He leaped forward and forced the two apart.

'Don't you dare yell at him!' she roared back, 'He is having a moment!' She walked back over and sat uncomfortably close to Hiccup.

'But you don't even know him!' the male growled.

'Maybe so,' she turned her head away from him, But this boy smells like that male Night Fury that I've been communicating with.'

"W-W-Wait a minute," Hiccup looked at her, "Communicating? Your the reason why Toothless has been going nuts?"

'Nuts?' a third female Night Fury stepped forward, 'Sounds like he is a young, healthy, and mature male. Perfect for someone like you Raven.'

'In deed he does mom!', the female Night Fury that sat close to Hiccup, Raven, nodded.

'Whoa! Whoa! Wait a minute!' the male Night Fury stomped his paws, 'You can't determine that yet! What about the courting dance!?' He turned to Hiccup, 'How big is he!? What is his wingspan and how far can he fly!?'

'Settle down Silver!' his mother pushed him away from Hiccup.

Hiccup, meanwhile, just sat there; speechless by what just happened in front of him. "Uh," he found his voice, "I'd love to show off Toothless, but...there's a problem." The Night Furies looked at Hiccup.

 He quickly explained the situation to them and they sat there, taking it in.

'My goodness,' the mother finally said, 'Is there any way we can help?'

'Help?' Silver questioned, 'This has nothing to do with us!'

'Not yet,' his mother warned, 'Better to do something now before it gets worse.'

'I guess,' Silver agreed.

'Oh! I just realized!' Raven turned to Hiccup, We don't know your name! Uh, you know mine and my brother Silver here. This is my sister Star, my other brother Shadow, and this is our mom.'

'My name is Echo,' she greeted.

"Hiccup, Hiccup Haddock," he turned to face them. Raven scooted back; now realizing the little distance between Hiccup and her. "I'm delighted for your help," Hiccup thanked them, "But...I don't think that I can do anything."

"I might be able to change that!"

They turned and saw a human male standing in the mouth of the cave.

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