Dragon Riders Vs Dragon Hunters

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  Hiccup and the others flew as fast as they could to Dragon Island. The island they were on, Sunside Beach, was the farthest uninhabited island from Dragon Island. A million thoughts ran through Hiccups head. Are these Dragon Hunters workers of that man the Thunderdrum spoke about? If not, then why hunt so close to Berk? After the death of  Her, who now goes by the names of either Queen or Red Death,the number of hunted dragons dropped around the Archipelago. It dropped even more after the Argrippa and Bard incident. The Hunters left because they didn't want to have a run-in with Hiccup and, after hearing about the Alpha, his mother. I guess my little condition has brought something good, Hiccup thought , But it sounds like that guy isn't from this Archipelago. That's both good and bad. "There! Dragon Island!". 

'THAT'S THEM! THE SCENT IS STRONG! THEY HAVE MY BABY!' the mother Deadly Nadder roared.

"We'll help you get them back," Hiccup promised, "But first we need to find my parents. Stormy, Stormtwister. Do have their scent?"

The two Nadders sniffed the air. 'This way!' they both took off to the towards the now dormant volcano. As they flew up the Riders heard shouting.

"Look!" Kari pointed, "There are the Hunters!" Down below the Dragon Hunters were trying to get their traps set. Every now and then one of them would glance left and right; as if he was expecting for someone to pop out of nowhere.

"Wait...Hiccup don't their cloths look familiar?" Astrid asked.

Hiccup studied the clothing, "Hey, your right. Those Hunters are-"

'DEAD!' the mother Nadder shot off towards the Hunters, rage in her eyes.

"No!...Ugh...Those men appear to be one of Viggos men," Hiccup finished, "But...my dad threw them all in jail, right?"

"I think some of the men escaped when we attacked his base," Fishlegs assumed.

"I doesn't matter," Hiccup quickly got ready for action, "Astrid, Kari, Andres. You guys and me will back up the mother Nadder. The rest of you guys go find my parents."

"Right," everyone coursed.


The Dragon Hunters were in a fury of haste. Half of their supplies were destroyed by the Berk Chief and his wife. Who knew how long it'll be before they returned.


The mother Nadder dived at the Hunters as fast as she could go. Then she released her fire and destroyed the traps that had been set out.

One of the Hunters quickly grabbed a Dragon Root Bow and Arrow. He trailed the Nadder; waiting for the right moment. But just as he was going to fire he heard the dreaded whistle. "Night Fury!" one them shouted, "Get down!"

Toothless shot three Plasma Blasts and sent half of the Hunters flying. "Yeah!" Hiccup cheered, "Nice shot bud!"

'As always!' Toothless boasted.

"Stormy, Spine Shot!" Astrid ordered.

The titan Deadly Nadder dived at the men then flung his tail spines. The large spines pinned a few to the ground and just barely hit another one.

"Show 'em our speed!" Andres smiled, "Stoooorm...twwwister!"

Taking two Hunters by surprise Andres and Stormtwister quickly flew in circles around them. They flew faster and faster. The Hunters tried to keep and eye on them so they could shot, but they quickly grew dizzy. Then Toothless shot a blast and they flew themselves.

"Nobody can withstand that technique!" Andres cheered.

"Do you have to show off at time like this!?" Kari screamed at the two, "My Gods your as bad Snotlout sometimes!"

Andres gasped, "How could you!? That is the cruelest insult in the Viking world!" He grabbed the center of his shirt, tilted his head back, and made sobbing sounds as his acted like heart had really been shattered.

"Guys! Focus!" Hiccup yelled to them.

The Hunters tried to hold their own, but soon found themselves on the losing side. "Retreat!" one ordered.

'No you don't!' the mother Nadder quickly chased after them.

"Let's get 'em Toothless," Hiccup patted his dragons head. But instead of flying after them Toothless' ears perked up. His eyes dilated and he constantly sniffed the air. Toothless let out a high pitch roar. "Oh not now!" Hiccup groaned as he lost control of his dragon.

"Hiccup?" Astrid flew over.

"You guys go after them!" Hiccup ordered, "I'll...catch up."

The others took of in the direction of the Hunters.


"Stoick! Sir!" Fishlegs called out, "Mrs. Haddock!" He and the others looked for their Chief.

"Fishlegs!" they turned to see Stoick and Valka flying to them. "I can hear that my son has already engaged them in battle."

"Uh...no that was a wild Deadly Nadder mother, sir," Fishlegs corrected him.

"Let's go assist them," Stoick ordered. But before they moved a high pitched roar suddenly sounded; nearly taking out their hearing.

"Oh, I...think that was Toothless," Valka chuckled as she rubbed her ear.

Stoick sighed. He still had no idea why Toothless freaked out that one time. "Come on!" he and Thornado flew off.

'Are you sure about this?' Thornado asked quietly so nobody else could hear, 'It's getting pretty foggy. The fog around Dragon Island randomly disappeared when the Queen was killed. It randomly coming back now-'

"I know," Stoick looked ahead. The fog was coming back. I'm not going to be around forever, Stoick thought, Besides, I know that he would never mean to do willingly.


"Toothless...focus!" Hiccup tried to get his dragon to pay attention.

'It's so sweet...' Toothless smiled.

"How can a rumbling sound be "sweet"?"

'It's not just a sound,' Toothless sniffed that air.

"Well...we have Dragon Hunters Toothless, " Hiccup reminded the dragon, "Can we take care of them?" But, Toothless paid no attention. "Ugh, Fine." Hiccup slipped his feet out of the stirrups and jumped off of Toothless. He rolled just as he hit the ground.

Without the support of his Rider Toothless lost balance and crashed onto the ground. He stood up and shook off the dirt. 'Hiccup? What was that for?'

"If your not going to cooperate then your staying right here," Hiccup walked over and dug into the built-in saddle bag. He pulled out some rope, "I don't want you to get hit by one of those arrows." Hiccup tied the rope around the front strap of Toothless' saddle. Then he tied the other end to a tree. "Stay," he ordered. Hiccup started his way towards the others.

'I don't need to be tied down like a dog,' Toothless huffed.

"Yeah," Hiccup agreed, "But seeing how crazy you get when that rumble is around I can't trust you to not run off."

'Hiccup!' Toothless glanced around, the fog was thickening. 'I have a very bad feeling about this!' But, Hiccup was already gone.

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