Mistaken Identity

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sighs I have been dreading this chapter since I first thought up the story. 

Hiccup crept through the forest; Inferno in hand in case if one of the Hunters tries to jump him. It was getting very foggy. It was as if Dragon Island was trying to return to the Dragon's Nest it once was. After the death of the Queen the island suddenly sprung to life; the dragons that She had under her control could sense their new freedom. But now...there was no dragon in sight. There was no way that one little Dragon Hunting ship could scare off an island of dragons. It's that man, Hiccup assumed, We've got to stop him before he drives out all the dragons.

Hiccup stopped and listened. Not even the sound of chirping birds sang through the forest. Hiccup gulped; his nerves stood on end. "Maybe Toothless was right," he whispered to himself, "This creepy atmosphere is leading up to something bad. But, I need to go help the others." Hiccup squinted his eyes, but the fog had grown too thick. Hiccup walked around for another few minutes before he realized that the fog had completely gotten him lost. "Great..." Hiccup groaned. His best beat was to try and find his way back to Toothless and take to the air.


"I think I hear them!" Snotlout informed the others as they flew the fog. Out of the fog a large Deadly Nadder suddenly appeared. Hookfang tried to stop, but he crashed into the dragon. They fell and hit the ground hard.

"Are you alright?" Fishlegs asked as the Dragon Riders landed.

"Ugh..." Snotlout groaned as he picked himself up, "I think so..." Just as the pain from the fall left him Snotlout felt an angry fist wack him in the back of his head.

"Could you watch where your going!?" an angry voice growled.

"Astrid?" Snotlout rubbed the back of his head and turned around to see Astrid glaring daggers at him, "Uh, hello. Fog. Remember?"

"Are you okay Astrid?" Kari asked as she and Andres landed.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Astrid confirmed, "What about you Stormy?"

'I'm good,' the Nadder shook off some tree branches.

'I'm fine too,' Hookfang snorted steam at Snotlout, 'Thanks for asking.'

"Hey, I was going to ask," Snotlout waved away the smokey steam.

Stoick scanned the group before him, "Where's Hiccup?"

"Toothless started to act crazy again," Andres informed, "So he said to go on and he'll catch up."

Stoick sighed at the inconvenience, "Right. Now, there aren't that many Dragon Hunters here, but that doesn't mean we can let our guard down. Well use the Nadders to follow their scent back to their ship. Once there we'll use the fog as cover as we attack."

"Uh, we can barely see in this fog," Tuffnut pointed out, "How are we suppose to fly around in it to attack?"

"Did I say anything about flying?" Stoick asked.


Hiccup stepped carefully; one wrong step and he could walk right off of a cliff. Man, this fog is thick, Hiccup thought, I won't see something until it's right in my face. He stopped and listened when he heard the sound of crashing waves. "The ocean?" Hiccup attempted to wave away the fog with Inferno, to no avail, "I may be near the beach."

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