Untimely Message

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I wish to apologize for the very late posting. When I tried to get on this site early this morning the site wouldn't load. 


"We're very appreciative of your help Astrid," Mulc smiled.

"No problem," Astrid smiled as she carried Mulch, Bucket, and their fish filled net.

"That darn dragon really did a number on our fishin' boat. Didn't it Mulch?" Bucket remembered in great detail.

"It really did," Mulch confirmed, "Put it wasn't really attacking."

"Huh?" Astrid looked back at the older man, confused.

"It looked as if it was fleeing," Mulch explained.

"Oh," Astrid turned back and sighed, "We've been hearing that all day. That mother Nadder said that it was this man."

"Man? What man?" Bucket asked.

"She didn't describe him all to well," Astrid sighed again, "Big, ugly, mean, and stinking with dragon blood."

"Oh...He doesn't sound like a guy I want to be around," Bucket felt himself shrink in size from the fear.

'Excuse me! Excuse me!'

Stormy looked to see a Terrible Terror flying towards them, but it wasn't any Terror, it was a Messenger Terror.

'Excuse me,' she said politely as she flew up, 'Might you all be from Berk?'

"Yes we are," Astrid confirmed.

'Then this is for you-uh-your Chief,' the little Terror landed on Astrids arm.

Astrid pulled out the message and held it in her hand. "Who is this from?" she asked.

'The Meatheads,' the Terror said. Then she flapped her wings and flew back the way she came.

"The Meatheads?" Mulch felt suspicious, "What do they want?"

Astrid undid the bindings and unrolled the wore piece of paper.

'What does it say?' Stormy asked. Instantly the Nadder felt his Rider tense up. 'Astrid?' Now he was concerned.

"Get us to Berk," the tone of her voice suggested something terrible, "Now!"


Toothless bounced his way up the stairs. 'Hiccup!' the dragon smiled when he saw his friend out of bed. Toothless rushed over and knocked Hiccup to the floor.

"Whoa! Whoa!" Hiccup pushed his dragon away before the he could get covered in slobber, "I'm just up to stretch."

'Let's do that with a flight!' Toothless' eyes beamed.

"...fine," Hiccup picked himself off the floor. He walked over to the open hatch and climbed through. Toothless and him slid down the wall, but, before they could take off, the shadow of a Deadly Nadder flew over them.


"Astrid?" Hiccup watched as Stormy dropped the net of fish as Astrid jumped off her dragon and ran over to him."Astrid, what's wro-"

"Hiccup you need to read this!" she shoved a piece of paper in his hands. It read:

Dear Chief of Berk,

Early this morning a group of Dragon Hunters came to my island warning me of a dangerous man that was coming to this Archipelago. At first I did not believe them. Bu then they said that his name was Drago Bludvist. I suggest you take their warning! All the Chiefs will be meeting at Beserker Island to decide on a plan of action.

                                                                                          -Chief of the Meatheads

"Drago...Blu...Bludvist?" Hiccup had never heard of the name, "You think it might be that man those dragons were talking about?"


Hiccup and Astrid turned to see Valka standing a few feet away, petrified.

"You know him?" Hiccup asked.

"Drago..." Valka could barely speak any words, "i-is the most insane man in world. He enslaves dragons...kills anyone who doesn't obey him...Oh, he's coming here because of me."

"You?" Astrid questioned, "Why?"

"Because...I fought against him and his Dragon Hunters for the twenty years I was gone." Valka stepped forward a bit, "I...I was unsure about not returning to the Alpha back at the Sanctuary to continue freeing dragons...He must be coming for the Alpha."

"Why would he be coming for the Alpha?" Hiccup ha a bad feeling.

Valka stared at her son, not wanting to answer, "For his dragon army..."

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