The Beast Part One

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 Never in three hundred years has every Tribe in the Barbaric Archipelago come together for one purpose. From the Beserkers to the Bog-Burglars and from the Outcasts to the Lava Louts; everyone, even if they were in a bitter argument, set everything aside to prepare for Drago Bludvist coming. He had come once before, twenty years ago, to a Chieftains meeting. Drago offered protection from the dragons in return for absolute loyalty, but, when he didn't get it, Drago commanded his dragons to set the building a blaze. He left a mark on this Archipelago before and the people were determined to stop him from leaving another one.

 They knew what Drago wanted, at least, the elders did. The younger Chiefs, Hiccup, Heather, and Thuggory, had never met Drago; they could only guess at what they were up against. According the Dragon Hunters, Drago and his army were coming from the north; meaning that the first village he'll hit are the Hysterics. Since they were the most feared Viking village in the Archipelago, until Hiccup ended the war between Vikings and dragons, they would be a good first line of defense.  

"Hiccup...are you sure that your okay with doing this?" Astrid asked, "We don't even know what type of dragon it is." The two stood at the top of the stairs to the Great Hall.

"That's what I said to them," Hiccup chuckled, "But, think about this, most of the dragons that are fleeing are fleeing from that dragon. We have to stop it somehow."

"I know...It's just...I feel like they're putting a little to much faith in you," Astrid admitted.

Hiccup looked at her, surprised, "A-Are you saying that you think I can't do it?"

"No!" Astrid defended, "Your my Chief. I'm behind you one hundred percent! I just think that right now...this is the last thing you need."

Hiccup smiled, "Well, personally, I think this might help me get past it. But...I appreciate the concern."

Astrid smiled back at Hiccup. She opened her mouth to speak, but then Stormy landed in front of them.

'Astrid Gobber needs you,' he told her.

"Okay," she walked over to climb on her dragon. But, first she stopped and looked back at Hiccup. "Don't get killed," she asked him.

"I won't," he promised.

A few hours had passed. Hiccup stood at the top of the Great Hall stairs, waiting for the Messenger Hawk from the Hysterics, they didn't use Terror Air Mail. He stood there, arms crossed, staring at the sky. Secretly, he was wishing that the Hawk never showed. Hiccup agreed with Astrid; this was the last thing he needed right now. His stare out to sea was interrupted when a high pitched roar pierced his ears. He looked down the steps, "Toothless! Is this really the time!?"

Toothless let out another roar before turning and looking up to his Rider. 'I'm warning them!' he yelled up, 'I'm telling them that it's not safe right now!'

"Them?" Hiccup quickly walked down the stairs to his dragon, "You know that it's a living thing that's making the rumbling sounds? I-Is it another Night Fury!?"

Toothless listened to the rumbling some more, 'Maybe. They're very shy. And moving around a lot. But...I think we should focus on the matter at hand. Are you sure that you want to do this?'

"Yes," Hiccup groaned, "Your about the tenth person to ask me that! Can't anybody just have faith in me!?"

'We do have faith in you,' Toothless nuzzled Hiccups chest, 'I have faith in you. I will always believe in you.'

Hiccup hugged his dragon, thankful for the kind words.

Then, a thought came to Toothless. He stepped back, ' it that you don't have faith in yourself?'

Hiccup stared amazed by the question. The more he thought about it the more true it became. "You may be right," he said softly.

Toothless bent down and placed his snout on Hiccups hand, replaying the time that started their friendship. 'Whatever happens,' he purred, 'I will always be on your side.'

Hiccup smiled, "Thanks bud."

"Incoming Messenger Hawk!"

Hiccups heart dropped. "Oh no..." he gasped. He stretched out his arm and the Hawk instinctively flew to him. The bird glided through the air and landed easily on Hiccups arm. Hiccup grabbed the paper that was tied to the Hawks leg. He read it to himself.


My watchmen stopped the outlines of Dragos ships on the horizon. They were the biggest ships we've ever seen. It'll take a few days for the Hawk to reach you so by the time you get this we may have already engaged him in battle. The rumors said that he had a dragon, but, I cannot see one on any of his ships. Hurry as quickly as you can.

- Norbert the Nutjob, Chief of the Hysterics.

"Well," Hiccup sighed, "Whether I'm ready or not...It's action time. Come on Toothless!" Hiccup sent the Hawk in a course for home then he jumped on Toothless and took off after the Hawk.

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