Breaths of Life

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"What!?" Hiccup gasped. Execution!? Instinctively Hiccup reached for Inferno, but when he grabbed air he remembered that they had taken it from him before throwing him into the cell. The man motioned for two others to come in. They held ropes in their hands. They jumped when Astrid flung herself at the bars of her cell like a rabid dragon. "Don't you dare touch him!" she growled, "I'll kill you!".

"Oh yeah," the man standing in front of Hiccups cell chuckled at the threat. They unlocked Hiccups cell and, after a struggle, tied up their prisoner then took him up above.

"Hiccup!" Astrid shouted.

On the deck above the three men took a struggling Hiccup over to Drago. "Where's my dragon!?" Hiccup demanded as Drago turned to face him. Hiccup noted the storm that was starting to loom over them.

"Your dragon?" Drago chuckled, "Oh, he's not yours anymore. He belongs to the Alpha. Even if he resists. You are nothing."

"Your not going to get away with this!" Hiccup growled, "If I fail to stop you then someone else will stop you!"

"If?" Drago laughed as if it was a good joke, "You already have!" He looked at his men, "Throw him overboard!"

"No!"Hiccup fought as they brought him over to the side of the ship, "Stop!"

With a big shove and a chuckle in their throat the men pushed Hiccup overboard. Hiccup screamed as crashed into the freezing water. He started sink fast. Hiccup kicked as he tried to undo his restrains and free his arms. Suddenly, Hiccup heard a loud boom from above and saw flashes of lightning as the storm began. Why? Hiccup thought, Why is there always a storm!?

The waves began to pick up and drag Hiccup away from Dragos warships. He struggled harder and harder and then, eventually, the ropes broke and his arms were free. Hiccup wasn't the best of swimmers, but he swam to the surface and took in a big gulp of air when he breached. He watched as the ships sailed further and further away. Hiccup attempted to swim towards them but the storm had other ideas. It sent a massive wave at him; sending Hiccup in the opposite direction. Hiccup breached the surface again, coughing and gagging at he sea water he swallowed. He tried to find the ships, but found himself to be all turned around.

Another wave crashed over him; nearly dragging him away. Hiccup fought against it, but it was soon clear that it was a loosing battle. Before long, Hiccups vision began to grow blurry and it grew harder to breath.

"Daddy?" a young Hiccup stared up at the mighty Chief.

"Yes? What is it Hiccup?" Stoick turned to his son.

"Why do we have to fight the dragons?" Hiccup asked.

Hiccup coughed as more sea water filled his lungs. This was it. He was going to die. Hiccup struggled to stay on the surface as old memories slipped back to him.

"Because they're monsters," Stoick answered, "They take our food and live stock."

"But why does that make them monsters?" Hiccup didn't follow, "Maybe they're just hungry?"

Stoick chuckled, "If they were hungry they could just fish."

Hiccup felt his legs as they grew numb. And not long after the rest of his body began to follow suit. "No..." Hiccup wheezed, "They're...amazing creatures...they can...bring people...t...together...". As his consciousnesses slipped away form him Hiccup heard, above the storms rage, a roar. A familiar roar. He looked up and saw a shadow circling above him. He reached up, "...Toothless...". And then everything went black.

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