What Was He Going to Say?

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  "Whoooohooo!" Astrid cheered as her dragon Stormy and her raced through the air. They zipped through the sea stacks with no care in the world. As they cleared one sea stack another one stood directly in front of them. Stormy instinctively knew what to do when he felt Astrid press herself close to his back. He flipped and did a barrel roll around it, but his titan body was big and hard to maneuver so just as they passed the sea stack Stormy clipped into the side of it; causing them to stop mid barrel roll and readjust themselves. "Whoa...," Astrid chuckled, "Okay, I think that's enough of showing off."  

'Fine,' Stormy u-turned and flew back to Beserker Island. Astrid and Kari had flown there to see Heather, who had heard of the incident.

"He's so amazing to watch!" Heather smiled as she watched her friend land, "I've never seen a titan dragon before."

"I have," Astrid slipped off of Stormy, "There was that male Monstrous Nightmare on Dragon's Edge, but that's left for Snotlout to retell."

"Oh is that the time he thought Hookfang went wild?" Kari assumed.

"Yep," Astrid walked over to her friends.

"Well," Heather eyed Stormy, "How does it feel to ride a titan?"

"Different. That's for sure. He's not as maneuverable as he use to be," Astrid explained, " Though I guess that should be expected from him since his body is much bigger."

"I bet that it's gonna take forever to get use to," Kari chuckled, "Hey! Striker! No! Stop messing with that Sheep!" Kari's Skrill, Striker, eyed a scared Sheep before walking away.

Astrid chuckled, "It's not gonna take forever! I'm one the best trainers on Berk; second only to Hiccup!"

"Speaking of whom," Heather took the chance to stir the conversation in a certain direction, "How is he?"

The fun moment shifted to more serious. "He's doing better," Astrid sighed, "He has been distant. And that does worry me a bit. I've asked him why and he just keeps saying that he feels like being alone."

"You know one of the prisoners from Agrippas fort drifted in a few weeks ago," Heather explained, "I asked him how Agrippa broke down the men he captured."


"He said something about a pit," Heather thought back to what the man had said, "Anyone that got on Agrippas bad side would be thrown into a pit called "The Pit of Broken Spirits". It's full of decaying dragon corps."

Astrid gasped. She thought nothing of it at the time, but after Hiccup had saved her from falling she thought that he smelled of death. Now she knew why. She fought back pity tears, "I'm glad that bastard is dead."

"Me too," Kari crossed her arms, "And I hope that Bard doesn't get any ideas of escaping prison. You got guards on him, right?"

"Twenty-four seven," Heather reassured, "He's not going anywhere. Except Hell when finally dies."

Stormy, who was rolling around in the dirt like a dog, noticed Astrid, 'Astrid? You okay?'

"Yeah," Astrid sighed, " I'm just...thinking about when Hiccup saved me."

"He jumped off of a dragon didn't he?" Heather had gotten her information of the event from Trader Johann, so she was unsure of how true it was.

"Yeah! It was crazy!" Kari nearly shouted, "I think he was riding a Sand Wraith. I'm glad Toothless caught them."

Heather had heard that Toothless suddenly flew on his own, but she knew that was impossible with his tail injury. Nobody still knows what happened, but Heather thinks that Toothless must have hit something that opened his tail fin. Heather looked at Astrid, who was looking like she was deep in thought. She smiled, "I know that look."

Astrid snapped out of her thoughts and stared at Heather, "What look?"

"I can tell when something big is on your mind," Heather walked closer to Astrid and placed a hand on her shoulder, "I wouldn't be your friend if I couldn't. Now let me guess; your thinking of Hiccup?"

"I am worried about him being distant."

"That isn't all of it," Kari could sense it.

Astrid had never told anyone about her talk with Hiccup up on top of the cliff, not even Stormy. But now her friends had cornered her, "After we all had returned home I found Hiccup on a cliff on an island next to Berk. He looked like he wanted to be alone, but I wanted to talk to him."


"He was shaken up by the whole thing,"Astrid crossed her arms, "He...thanked me for all the help that I've given him. Then he said that he realized something, but before he could tell me Snotlout cam blazing out of nowhere."

"I bet it was 'I love you'," Kari teased.

"What!?" Astrid stepped back, cheeks red, "You don't know that!"

"I dunno. Cliff sides are pretty romantic," Heather joined in on the playful teasing.

"Neither of you two were there so drop it! Astrid ordered.

"Stormy," Kari called to the titan dragon, "Do you know what Hiccup was going to say?"

"Knock it off guys!"

Stormy turned to the girls, a twig in his mouth, 'No. But he did seem to be nervous about it.'

Astrid turned from her friends, face red with embarrassment.

"Okay, okay. Sorry," Heather apologized, "Your right. We weren't there so we don't know."

Astrid turned back towards her friends, the redness on her face was slowly fading away, "Yeah. And besides..."

"Besides what?" Kari asked.

"Uh...nothing," Astrid turned around and climbed on Stormy, "I'm gonna go back to Berk. A Dragon Race is about to start."

'Can't we sit this one out?' Stormy groaned.

"No," Astrid shook her head. The two took off into the sky, leaving Kari and Striker with Heather.

Kari walked up to Heather, "I think she was going to say "I love him"."

"Just give her time," Heather advised, "Something will bring those two together."

"Right," Kari smiled. She then whistled for Striker to come and as he ran past her she jumped on his back. "See ya!" Kari called back as they followed Astrid.

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