Too Late?

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Back at Dragos fleet, the Alpha was raging. 'THAT DRAGON! he roared, 'HOW DARE HE!?'

"Settle down!" Drago commanded; unaware of the dragon and Dragon Hunter that just escaped. "I said settle down!" Drago shouted and screamed as he swung his bullhook around; it let out a sound that instantly caught the Alphas ears. The Alpha, although still upset, settled down intermediately when Drago slammed the tip of the hook on the wooden floor. Then Drago turned back around. "What!?" he anger rising, "Ugh! Find Eret! I want him dead!"

The crewmen took off without a second thought. But one stayed back. "Um...Drago...sir?"

"What!?" Drago roared.

"Isn't Eret one of your Hunters?" the ignorant man assumed, "Why do you want him dead?"

"He is a traitor!" Drago bellowed, "Another one of my Hunters told me that it was him who warned the Vikings about my attack! Not that it did them any good. Now go! Find him!"

The crewman quickly took off; scared of Dragos rage.


What in the world was that!?" Ruffntu picked herself up off of her brother and readied herself in case the ship moved wildly again.

"No idea," Kari pulled herself up by using the bars of her cell, "But did anyone else hear that roar?"

"Yeah," Fishlegs steadied himself, "It was a bit muffled since we're below deck but it sounded like 'obey me.' "

" 'obey me'?" Snotlout picked up his helmet, "Why would the Alpha say that?"

"Maybe a dragon broke free from his control, "Andres, who had been uncharacteristically quiet until now, suggested.

"What? No. That's impossible," Valka shook her head.

Andres shook his head back, "Toothless resisted. Why can't another dragon do that same? Maybe a dragon had a good enough reason."

"But...what dragon was it?" Astrid asked.


A few hours later the Riders heard yelling up above. They must of made it to Beserker Island. The Riders prayed for the Beserkers victory. But, ten minutes later, everything went silent. "Let go of me!" they heard a moment later. The door swung open and Heather was shoved into the room. She gasped when she saw her friends. The man that was bringing Heather in pushed her forward. He then locked her in the cell that Hiccup was once in. He left with a chuckle.

"What happened?" Heather asked immediately, "I thought that Hiccup was-"

"He didn't explain what happened," Astrid shook her head, "But we can see what the end result was."

Heather looked around, "Wait...where is Hiccup?"

The Riders stayed silent; unwilling to answer.

"Guys?" Heather looked at her friends.

"They executed him..." Astrid cried as tears stung her eyes.

"What!?" Heather turned to her friend, "When!?"

"Before they came here," Valka fought back the tears but they came anyway.

"I...I don't believe it..." Heather sat back; stunned.

Astrid couldn't hold it in anymore. She hugged her knees and sobbed loudly. The others cried silently.

Heather reached out and slipped her arm through the bars and attempted to comfort Astrid, but failed to reach her. "How do you know that they did?" she tried to cheer everyone up, "Your down here. Maybe...maybe he got away!"

"How?" Fishlegs asked, "All of the dragons are under the Alphas command and he's not that good of a swimmer!"

"Well...What about that commotion earlier?" Andres wondered out loud, "Maybe that was him escaping?"

"Yes! Yes!" Heather agreed, "That's what happened! He'll come back with a better plan! I know it!"

Astrid shook her head, "I never even told him..."

"Told him what?" Heather asked.

"That him," Astrid finished.

"What!?" Snotlout gripped the bars of his cage, "Since when!?"

"Don't worry," Heather ignored Snotlout, "I bet you that he's alive and coming up with a plan right now!"

How to Train Your Dragon: MistakeWhere stories live. Discover now