Unseen Alliance

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Silver leaped forward, Plasma Blast ready, fully intending to protect his family. The man jumped back in surprise and a Thunderdrum jumped in front of him, protectively. "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Hiccup jumped in between both dragons, arms out stretched, "Calm down." He turned to the Thunderdrum, "Thornado!?"

'Hiccup!' Thornado cheered, 'I knew that I'd find you!' The Tidal Class dragon knocked Hiccup to the ground and licked his face.

"Okay," Hiccup chuckled, "Okay. Enough." He sat up and scratched the dragons chin, "But...how? Why?"

"I think that this is why," the man held out a note to Hiccup.

Hiccup took it and looked at the man, "Who is this from?"

"Your father," the man explained.

"My dad?" Hiccup stood up and stared at the paper. But before he unrolled the note he looked at the man again, "Wait, who are you?"

"I am Eret, Son of Eret!" the man gloated.

"Eret?" the name sounded familiar, "Wait...your the Hunter that bought Toothless from Viggo and imprisoned my friends!" Hiccup pointed an accusing finger.

"Ah ha...yes...I am," Eret chuckled nervously, "But Hiccup, I'm a changed man! I swear! Say something Thornado!'

'Your a terrible Dragon Rider,' the dragon joked.

"Hey come on! That was my very first time riding a dragon!" Eret defended.

Hiccup eyed Eret; amazed that he understood Thornado, but stayed suspicious. "Alright. I believe you. But one question; why help me?"

"Because Drago needs to be stopped," Eret surprised Hiccup, " I wish that I realized that sooner. But now is better than never!"

'He's had a change of heart,' Thornado explained.

Hiccup trusted Thornados judgment. He unrolled the note and read it.


If you are reading this then I must have past. I want you know that it was not your fault at all. If anything, I knew that it was going to happen yet choose to not do anything about it. I am a Chief of the old ways; fighting and killing dragons. I am welcomed to and thankful for the change you've brought to Berk, but I've had a feeling for a while now. Berk has changed and dragons are now living with us. Some will say that I'm a very good Chief, but...I know nothing of dragons! That's why I thought that it was time for you take the throne.

Now you may be seeing what I've done as selfish, and it is, but something says that it would of happened in another way eventually. Hiccup, your my son. A Haddock. You might have been born very earlier and your mother might have worried, but I believed that you'd become the strongest of them all. And thank Thor I was right! You have the heart of a Chief Hiccup. Please...live on for me.

-Your father

Hiccup closed the note, tears falling down his face. Nobody said a thing; wanting to him to have a moment.Hiccup looked at Thornado, who have him a determined look. A long dead fire reignited inside of Hiccup. He couldn't give up. Not now! It wasn't the Haddock way! It wasn't the Berkian way! But one problem stood clear right front and center. "But...how do we get past the Alpha's command?"

"We use Scuttleclaws!" Eret told him.

"Scuttleclaws?" Hiccup asked.

"I did not just hear that!?" Eret was a bit shocked, "They're a dragon species! I thought that you were a Dragon Master?"

How to Train Your Dragon: MistakeWhere stories live. Discover now