The Wrong Alpha

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Toothless had been right; this was a bad idea! Hiccup and Toothless flew choppily towards Sunstone Island. For the past two hours Hiccup glanced back; praying that he never saw anybody following them. Thankfully, he never saw anyone.

'What do we do now?' Toothless asked. He tried to focus on flying as much as he could; some small bits of ice still clung to his fake tail fin. 'We need to stop him before he destroys another village.'

"I know...I-I know," Hiccup tried to wrap his mind around what happened, "What was that staff he had?"

'When he swung it around it made a sound,' Toothless thought back, 'I he used it to call the Bewilderbeast.'


'Well you know how banging a hammer on your shield can mess up a dragon aim?' Toothless asked.

"I do," Hiccup remembered the lesson from so long ago.

'Certain sounds at different levels can effect a dragon in different ways,' Toothless explained, 'It's obvious that he's had that dragon for many many years. He's successful in training it to respond in certain ways to certain sounds that he can make with that staff.'

"So...what if I got that staff?" Hiccup pondered, "Maybe I can get that dragon on our side?"

'Eh...maybe,' Toothless didn't put much faith in that, 'It's just...'


'That Bewilderbeast...Hiccup he's abused it,' Toothless felt pity for the dragon, 'I can tell. It's eyes, the way it roared...If he's had that dragon since it was a young one then it's most likely blind loyalty. If you do try to reason with it it'll be VERY hard.'

Hiccup clenched his fists, He abused that dragon...I can't let that go... Hiccup looked back to Toothless' tail fins; the iced was gone completely. "Let's head back to Berk. We should tell them about the Bewilderbeast."

'Right,' Toothless gulped; his dragon instincts told him that blood was going to be spilled soon, 'I've got another bad feeling...' Toothless did a u-turn a flew for Berk as fast as he could.


They flew for hours; dead set on returning to Berk. They knew what kind of dragon Drago had; so they had to tell the others. 'Whoa!' Toothless dodged an arrow, 'Hiccup! Look!'

"Oh no," Hiccup saw hundreds of war ships off to their right, "Those are Dragos ships. "Hiccups heart sank...

...they were right around the corner from Berk.

"Fly Toothless!" Hiccup shouted.

Toothless bolted forward; panic setting in. And then, when they rounded the corner, their fears became real. Berk had transformed into a battle field. Both humans and dragon fled as the Alpha fought against Dragos Bewilderbeast. They're roars echoed all around as they slammed their tusks together. Their icy breaths froze the air around them.

"Come on Toothless we need to help!" Hiccup urged, "Toothless?" How did he get here so fast!?

'I can't,' Toothless shook his head.

"Why? We have to stop him!"

Toothless shook his head again, 'It's an Alpha battle. Dragos Bewilderbeast had challenged Valkas to the title of Alpha. I can't interfere!'

Hiccup, frustrated, watched as the two titans crashed against each other. Homes and building below crumbled under their feet. People who didn't escape in time were either crushed, trapped, or near death. Hiccup felt his breathing escalate; another Panic Attack. He closed his eyes and forced it back. Then, without thinking, Hiccup swung his feet over and jumped off of Toothless.

'Hiccup!' Toothless shouted before falling.

Hiccup snapped open his flight suit and glided down to the ground. He rushed over and tried to pull some debris off of a man. "Toothless," he called out, "Help me!"

Toothless crash landed then jumped to his feet. He rushed over and began helping. But then, as if by instinct, Toothless stopped and glanced up at the two Bewilderbeasts. Hiccup followed his gaze.

Dragos Bewilderbeast slammed his tusks against the Alpha; causing the latters head to fling up. Taking the chance Dragos Bewilderbeast charged forward and pinned the Apha against the rock wall that made up the entryway of the Great Hall. The Alpha roared as he clawed at his challengers tusks, trying to free his neck. And then, Dragos Bewilerbeast slammed the Alpha on the ground. He reared back and stabbed the Alpha with his tusks. The Alpha roared out in pain as blood gushed out like a river.

"NO!" was all that Hiccup could scream.

Dragos Bewilderbeast stepped back; victorious. Then he held his head up high and roared. All dragons, trained and wild suddenly flew to him and landed in front of him. The stretched out their wings and bowed to him. Hiccup stood, stunned.


Hiccup looked up just as his mother fell off of her dragon. Cloudjumper paid no heed to his Rider and flew over to his new Alpha. "Mom!" Hiccup rushed over, but she hit the ground before he could catch her, "Mom are you okay?"

Valka stood up, "I'm fine. But this is really bad." She stared up at Dragos Bewilderbeast.

Hiccup watched as more and more dragons flooded in to bow to their new Alpha. He couldn't understand; why were they so quick to obey him? Hiccups questions were broken when he heard Toothless groaning. He turned to see his dragon staggering around; eyes bouncing back between docile and slit. His ears were back and his teeth were bared. Toothless groaned in a way that Hiccup had never heard before. Toothless' head shook from side to side. 'I will not obey you,' Hiccup heard Toothless growl.

"Mom," Hiccup turned to his mother, "What's going on with Toothless?"

"No dragon can resist the Alphas command," a deep, raspy male voice chuckled.

Hiccup and Valka spun around to see a tall, dark man walking up to them. An evil grin was on his face.

"Drago..." Valka said under her breath.

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