Secret Voices

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'Hiccup...wake up...Hiccup.'

Hiccup groaned as he blinked his eyes open. The quietness of his house welcomed him to a new day. He was still shocked by what happened, but deep down he knew that he couldn't leave Berk without a Chief. So, after about another hour alone in the forest with Toothless, Hiccup summed up the courage to return. A part of him was worried on what the villagers would think of him. Hiccup knew that his mother and his friends would understand; they were on the island when it happened, but the villagers were not.

Hiccup walked back instead of flown; so he had reached the village in ten minutes instead of five. When he arrived the villagers could easily see the horror on his face. Hiccup didn't speak to any of them. He just floated through the village, like a ghost, to his house. Valka nearly squeezed the life out of him with a hug. Hiccup told her that he'll attempt to be Chief even though he still thought that he wasn't ready.

Later that day, an hour before sun down, the coronation happened. Some people cheered, for moral support, but the awkwardness was very evident. Now, five days later, Hiccup was trying his best, but on some days, after a very vivid nightmare of the event, Hiccup didn't even leave the house. On those days Gobber stepped up to fill in and, a little surprisingly, Snotlout did as well.

'Hiccup...morning,' Toothless smiled his toothless smile.

Hiccup patted Toothless' snout then turned over.

Toothless nudged his shoulder, 'Wanna go for a flight?'

"Before sun down..."

Toothless looked at the sky from Hiccups open hatch, the sun hadn't even come up yet. 'Okay...uh...You gonna get up today?'

Hiccup didn't respond,; which mean "no".

'Well, I'll be right back,' Toothless jumped through the hatch and slid down the side of the house. Greeting him was Valka and Cloudjumper. They looked at the Night Fury, wondering. Toothless simply shook his head no. Just as Toothless sat down his ears perked up and he sniffed the air.

"That rumble sound?" Valka guessed.

'Yes...but it's much closer than it has been,' Toothless, forcing himself to ignore it, turned to Valka, 'It's so sweet.'

"You keep saying that," the tone of Valkas voice showed that she was not in a good mood, "Can't you describe it another way?"

Toothless sniffed the air again, 'Young...a little younger than me.'

Valka just stared at the Night Fury, "That...doesn't even make any sense!"

'I'm sorry,' Toothless nuzzled his head against Valka and she patted it, 'I'm worried about him too.'

Valka felt the sting of tears as the rushed down her face, "Hiccup..."

Cloudjumper watched as his Rider cried with a hand over her mouth, attempting to muffle the sobs. 'Ah dang it,' he couldn't bare to see it, 'I'm sorry Stoick. I can't be quiet.'

"Quiet?" Valka turned towards her dragon, "About what?"

Cloudjumper sighed, 'Stoick...knew that it was going to happen.'

Toothless and Valka just stared at the Sharp Class dragon; confused.

' see...he had a dream,er, I guess you could say a'vision' ', Cloudjumper tried to find the right words to use, 'In that vision, he was on a boat that was on the water. It was very foggy. Basically, he...dreamed his own death.'

"What?" Valka now felt a sting in her heart, "Then why did he willingly go on the boat!?"

Cloudjumper quickly looked towards the hatch; hoping that Hiccup wasn't listening, ' was to push Hiccup.'

'Huh?' Toothless did not follow.

'If you ask me...I think that there might of been another way,' Cloudjumper sat down, 'Stoick told me that he felt that Hiccup was hiding behind dragons and his condition. That he was using them as an excuse as to 'not grow up'.'

"How in the world is letting yourself get killed by Hiccup suppose to help him!?"

'Only Stoick knows that,' Cloudjumper, 'He wanted me to keep quiet so-'

"I AM NOT KEEPING THIS TO MYSELF!" Valka turned and stomped towards the front door.

'Wait...Maybe...Stoick had a good reason?'

Valka spun around, "Toothless? Are you really okay with leaving Hiccup in the dark?"

'No. Frankly I'm not,' Toothless said bluntly, 'I want this to be over for him more than anybody else...but...I do agree. Hiccup was using his condition as an excuse. Although I think that this was the most extreme way to do it...Hiccup needed a push. Now, I don't know about you Cloudjumper, but I sense something in the wind. Something even bigger is going to happen. And it has something to do with the dragons fleeing. This might of happened to prepare Hiccup for it.' Toothless turned just in time to see the sun rise, 'I've got another bad feeling. I think...we should trust Stoicks judgment. He is Berk best Chief ever, right?'

Valka sighed, "If Hiccup does not show any sighs of improvement I'm telling him."

'Fine,' Toothless sniffed the air; the rumbling had stopped, but he now smelled a hint of danger. That man...the one that wild Thunderdrum spoke about....what does he want?

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