The Whispers of a Dragon

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Hiccup and Toothless flew after the angry Deadly Nadder. She roared and set fire to trees as she flew across the treetops. She looked left to right; hoping to spot her baby.

"Fishlegs, Andres, and Twins," Hiccup shouted above the wind, "Try to put the fires out!" Without hesitation the four broke off to search for water.

" you even have a plan?" Astrid asked as she flew up next to Hiccup.

"Of course I do," Hiccup answered rather quickly; even though in reality he had had none.

"Then do tell," Astrid saw through the lie.

"Uh...well...," Hiccup tried to think as fast as he could. Then, an idea came, "You guys try and lead her away from the forest and to the beach. Toothless and I will cut her off there." And before anyone could protest the two took off.

"Alright, come on guys," Astrid called out to her fellow Riders.

Astrid, Snotlout, and Kari steered the Deadly Nadder through the forest. "Nope." Snotlout redirected her, "You go this way!"

'Leave me be humans!' the Nadder growled, 'I must find my baby!'

"We're trying to help you," Kari explained, "We're just leading you away from the forest so you don't set it a blaze in your rage."

'NO! They're here! I can smell them!'

"Them? Who?" Astrid had an idea.

'Those filthy hunters,' the Nadder hissed, 'I caught their scent a while back.'

"Hunters!?" Kari gasped, "So close to Berk? Why?"

The mother suddenly stopped. She turned around and faced the Riders. 'Because...of him!'


Hiccup and Toothless waited on the cliffs next to the beach. "What's taking them?" Hiccup scanned the forest, "They should have steered her here by now."

'She may be putting up a fight,' Toothless suggested, 'She is an angry dragon mother.'

"Yeah," Hiccup had to agree.

'Hey...Night Fury...'

The two turned to the voice, but couldn't spot who it came from.

'Down here!'

They looked down to see a male Thunderdrum and his three babies. 'You need to get out of here,' he warned.

'What? Why?'

'Because of him!'

"Him?" Hiccup wondered who this dragon was talking about, "Who is 'him'?"

'A very, very scary human,' the Thunderdrum explained.


'He appeared with his army from the North,' the Nadder explained, 'He stinks of dragon blood!'

The Riders looked at each other, concerned.

We've dealt with Dragon Hunters before," Astrid reassured the Nadder, "This guys will be no different!"

'It's not just him you need to worry about!' the Nadder yelled, making the Riders jump, 'You need to worry about his bad dragon too!'


"Bad dragon?" Hiccup questioned, "What kind of dragon is it?"

'Nobody knows,' the Thunderdrum admitted, 'We can sense him. He's a huge Tidal Class dragon. Whenever a dragon senses his presents their instincts take over and they flee.'

"So that's why the dragons have been leaving," Hiccup processed this all in his head. What kind of dragon could it be?

'The man and his beast will definitely go after you my Night Fury brother,' the Thunderdrum warned, 'For the sake of your species you must run.'

'Um...I thank you for the warning,' Toothless smiled, "But...I'm not the type to just run.'

'You MUST!' the Thunderdrum yelled, 'One dragon got a glimpse of him. They couldn't tell for sure...but he looked to have a cape that was made from Night Fury skin.'

"What!?"Both Toothless and Hiccup coursed.


"Okay...Maybe we can't deal with him," Astrid was the type to never show fear no matter what, yet after hearing about this man and his dragon she was, understandingly, frightened.

"Does any dragon know where he is?" Snotlout asked, "If his dragon is as big as you say it is then it should be easy to track?"

'Have you not been listening?' the Harder hissed, 'That dragon he has makes dragons flee on instinct! Ugh, it must be a water dragon of the Alpha Species...I-I HAVE NO TIME FOR THIS! I MUST FIND MY CHILD!' But before she could leave Hiccup and Toothless flew up. A little green Terrible Terror, Sharpshooter, was riding on Hiccups shoulder.

"Hiccup" Astrid turned to him, "We have a serious problem. This insane Dragon Hunter and his dragon are-"

"Oh I know," Hiccup informed, "A wild Thunderdrum told me. But he's the least of our problems at the moment. I just got a Terror Mail from my dad. He said that there are Dragon Hunters on Dragon Island. My mom and him are doing their best to hold them off, but they need our help. Let's go get Fishlegs and the others and head over there."

'I'm coming too!' the Nadder exclaimed, 'They may be the ones who took my baby!'

"Be my guest," Hiccup then took off towards Dragon Island? The Riders and the mother Nadder quickly followed 

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