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"No!" Astrid screamed as the door shut behind them. "No!" She rammed the cell with all of her might; the metal bars rang out when she made contact. "Hiccup..." Astrid slide down to her knees; the reality of the situation finally setting in.

"Hiccup," Valka gripped the bars as tear rolled down her face.

"Alright!" Kari shouted, We have to get out now!"

"How?" Fishlegs sighed, "They're going to kill Hiccup!"

"Yeah I know that!" Kari huffed, "He may be our Chief but that doesn't mean that we're completely dependent on him! Now come on! Who has an idea?"

The other Riders sat silent; the little bit of hope that they just had faded when they took Hiccup.


The Storm raged and rocked Dragos ships. Unbeknownst to all a small Dragon Hunting ship was attempting to keep pace with them. "Come on!" Eret yelled to his men, "We must get on board!"

"Are you sure that this is a good idea!?" one of his men questioned, "There's many of them and few of us!"

"That may be true!" Eret shouted above the wind, "But we must help them!"

"Why? They're Dragon Riders and we're Dragon Hunters! We may have warned them about Drago, but it's there fault for not being prepared!"

"I know," Eret agreed," But I have this feeling. I can't really explain it. It's telling me to help them! And I can't go against it! So work! Get us closer!"

Another crewmen looked up from his post, "Do you even have a plan!?"

"A plan?" Eret chuckled, "Of course I do! I get on, free the Riders and some dragons and then we fly away as fast as we can!"

"Why do I have the feeling that it won't be that simple?" a crewmen wondered out loud.

After many tries Erets men finally got their ship close enough to the main warship. Eret thanked the storm for giving them cover. Eret readied a rope and flung up. With luck the metal hook at the end latched onto something strong. "Get far from here men," Eret ordered his crew, "I don't want you getting capture if something goes wrong." Without giving them a chance to reply Eert started his assent. Hand over hand he climbed until he was on the ship.

Quickly Eret hid himself behind used Dragon Traps, traps to big for his little crew to use. "Now, where oh where are the keys?" he scanned the area; hoping to spot the keys dangling from the waist of one Drago men, "There!" He spotted a man not far from him. The keys sat on a box next him. The man was sitting away from the keys; attempting to shield himself from the storm.

Slowly and quietly Eret crept over, eyes scanning for any other men that might walk over. Eret reached for the keys and took them carefully. The man as unable to hear the jingle of the keys due to the storm. Eret hide himself away again before trying to remember where the cells were. Once he remembered Eret hurried off to them; careful to pay mind about smacking into a crew member or-worse-Drago himself.


Of all of Dragos ships the main one was the only one that was being towed by the Alpha. The hypnotized dragons flew above him as they made their way to Beserker Island. Among them was Thornado who, as a Tidal Class dragon, flew closer to the water. He flew along with glazed eyes as if there were no storm. He made no resistance against the Alpha.

"Give this to him when he is ready," a human voice chimed in his head.

Thornado ignored the voice but noted how familiar it sounded. It sounded like someone he knew. 'Stoick?' thought.

"I know that I can stop this from happening," Stoick's voice continued in the dragons head, "But I feel that this might snap him out of the little world he's made for himself. Besides, he's a good man. I have faith in him!"

'Him...Who's him?' Thornado thought, 'And...who is talking? Who is Stoick?'

"This note will tell him what he needs to hear," Stoick placed the note in Thornado saddle bag, "Promise me that you'll give it to him."

'Promise?' Thornado felt the suffocating control of the Alpha begin to slip, 'I...I...will...I'll get it to him...I...promise!' Thornado grunted as he fought against the Alpha's control. 'I must!' he shouted, 'I must get this note to Hiccup!'

'You dare disobey me!?' the Alpha growled, 'You will not! You shall obey!'

'I...I...will...NOT!' Thornado roared as he broke free form the Alpha. He blasted a Sonic Blast into the water and it hit the Alpha head, 'YOU ARE NOT MY ALPHA!'

'HOW DARE YOU ATTACK ME' the Alpha exploded onto the surface; nearly flipping the warship he was towing.

"What are you doing!?" Drago shouted.

'OBEY ME THUNDERDRUM!' the Alpha intensified his control.

'I will not!' Thornado fought against it, 'I must keep my promise!' The Thunderdrum attacked again; this time hitting the alpha between his eyes.

The Alpha roared in anger. He swung his tusks at the dragon, but Thornado dodged. The warship was thrown this way and that. Kncoking everyone on board around.

"Whoa!" Eret tumbled and crashed right into Drago.

"You!" Drago growled.

"Oh...uh...hello," Eret chuckled nervously as he got to his feet, "Fancy meeting you here!"

Thornado groaned as he resisted the Alpha. He looked around; hoping to find a way to escape. He spotted Drago cornering Eret. Thornado flew down and blasted Drago away. 'Get on!' Thronado shouted.

'Did you just speak!?" Eret stared at the dragon, "I guess those rumors about dragons speaking were right."


"But what about the Dragon Riders!?" Eret shouted above the rain, "I came to rescue them!"

'We'll have to do that later!' Thronado groaned as the Alpha tried to take control, 'I must find Hiccup!'

Eret turned to see Dragon getting up. Thinking about his chances Eret jumped onto the dragon and the two took off into the dark clouds.

'OBEY ME!' the Alpha roared, but Thornado continued on.


Okay, I thought of a really good storyline for the next story; which is titled How to Train Your Dragon: Change. Please keep in mind that I MUST cut out some parts as they will MAJORLY spoil what I have for the remaining chapters of Mistake.

"Things go well for Hiccup after ... But when he meets the heir to the Night Warriors and learns that there might be even more ... he wants to jumps at the chance. However, what can be done when an unknown battle is brought to light and may very well threaten the rebirth of ...?

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