A Hunter's First Flight

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"Wa...Whoa!" Eret shouted above the wind as he tried to hold on, "S-Slow down!"

'I can't!' Thornado roared; the effects of the Allphas control still lingered, 'I must get far from that Alpha and find Hiccup!'

"Please slow down," Eret begged, "I've never ridden a dragon before! You see, I'm a Dragon Hunter!"

'You are!?' Thornado halted; taking Eret by surprise, 'Then how are you able to understand me? And...why so you not smell of dragons blood?'

"Ah, well, you see," Eret began, "Despite being a Hunter I never really had the stomach to kill a dragon. So my men and I only trapped and caged dragons, but we worked extra hard to make up for the "no killing" part. As for the "understanding you" thing...uh, I don't know. I mean, ever since Drago ordered my death I've felt a little different."

'A change of heart?' Thornado suggested.

"Maybe," Eret had never thought of that," That might be why I warned this Archipelago about Drago."

'That was you?' Thornado was amazed.

"It was in deed!" Eret confirmed, "Though I did know at the time that I could have been killed if I went to one of the Tribes. But I felt like it was the right thing to do."

'You have had a change in heart,' Thornado smiled, 'I have a feeling that we met for a reason.'

"You think so?" Eret smiled back, "Well dragon, my name is Eret, Son of Eret!"

'...Uh, nice name,' Thornado wasn't sure on what to make of a name like that, 'My name is Thornado.'

"What a powerful name that is!" Eret complemented, "And I see that you have a saddle on. So you have a Rider, yes?"

'I...did have one...'

"Oh...I'm so sorry," Eret thought hard in hopes of changing the subject, "Uh, you mentioned someone by the name of Hiccup earlier. Do you mean Hiccup Haddock? From Berk?"

'Yes,' Thornado confirmed, 'He is my former Rider's son. Before his death Stoick asked me to give Hiccup a note that he wrote himself.'

"I see. How long has it been since his death?"

'A few weeks,' Thornado pushed back the sad emotions that started to build up, 'Almost a month.'

"Why have you not given it to him yet?" Eret asked.

'Stoick said to give it to him when he needs it most,' Thornado explained, 'And now is that time!'

"I'm amazed by your loyalty," Eret noted, "But there is one thing. Weren't Hiccup and his friends captured by Drago? Aren't you flying away from Hiccup?"


"Yep," Eret smirked, "Seems that you dragons aren't what your all cracked up to be."

Thornado grunted at the little insult. Then he flipped over; sending Eret falling into the now calming cold water.

Eret exploded onto the surface with a shout, "What was that for!?"

Thornado chuckled at the man below. I think you and me will get along just fine!' he shouted down to Eret. Thornado flew down to help Eret out of the water when a scent caught his attention.

"Hey!" Eret reached up, "Are you going to help me or not!?"

'That scent...' Thornado sniffed the air and then the surface of the water, 'It's Hiccup!'

"Are you sure?"

'Yes! Yes! Yes!' Thornado cheered, No other human has the scent of a Night Fury on them!' Thornado grabbed Eret by his arm and flung him up into the air and onto his back. The happy dragon took off in the direction that the scent went.

"Whoa!" Eret shouted, "Hold on! I'm not seated right! Slow down!"

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